Cat lunch meeting in the kitchen before the 24 h marathon sleep.
Who is your favorite news anchor/reporter? Why?
I think it's all the persons who comment animal shows ! Birds provoke furious looks, dogs, cats and chicken are looked for under the furniture.
Name 3 foods that are currently in your freezer.
Three pieces of the new black neighbor cat, they tored him into 3 pieces.
If you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it?
Arpoliki (for Arthur, Pookie, Lisa and kim) Sound like holidays in Greece !
Main Course
What will most likely be the next book you read?
How to catch a flying bird
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?
They notice whiskers and claws and if the cat is not too big (they are heros)
There are cat pieces in your freezer???
I like your city name -- it does sound kind of Greek!
I usually do a funny on Friday - Today's funny is about a cat! D :)
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