It is unusually cold in Belgium for December. This morning we had - 6°C (22 F). Normally the thermometer shows this in January or February, but we have no snow so far.What should my cats do when it's so cold outside ? They didn't even have a nice Christmas Eve because we were away and the neighbor took care of them. Poor darlings. But on Christmas day they got their part of turkey which Mr. Gattino had especially bought for them.
Arthur who had slept for a months or so first on my bed then besides my bed, has moved since yesterday to Mr. Gattino's office where he settled down amongst the cables and instruction sheets for the new DVD portable player. I wonder if I should put a movie in with dancing mousies ?

Lisa the old girl (17) is still sleeping on the doormat at the entrance ! I don't understand why ? She has the whole house with all beds, sofas, armchairs, baskets at her disposal and she plays the poor neglected cat, kind of Cinderella !

The only one who is still active is Rosie with her new mousies, some of them are already without tail !

This was the view I had this morning in the kitchen. She still ranges her mousies during the night around the food bowls ! A real little house fay !

but then she too collapses on my bed, tired of too much work.

Pookie moved back to Mr. Gattino ! She was very shocked because she had realized that she had slept peacefully besides Rosie on my bed and this several times ! Of course she couldn't tolerate such a bad behaviour during her sleep ! Offended she went back where she could be the only cat !
To all of you, cat owners, cats, slaves, butlers, servants etc. I wish a very happy and healthy NEW YEAR !