A catastrophe has happened in my cat's life routine ! It had snowed ! For the first time since two years !

Arthur after having his breakfast wanted to do his morning walk, but when I opened the window door and he saw this strange white stuff outside, he made a quick U-turn !

Then he sat on the heating and looked out, mulling over what to do now !
Rosie too was desperate and sat thoughtfully on the table !
Kim didn't even try to go out,

she had made a bad experience the evening before, she wanted to go out and then ... when she saw this white powder laying there, she returned as quick as a flash into the house !
Pookie once her stomach full, didn't bother about the snow and preferred to keep warm the files in Mr. G's office.

And then they sat there not knowing what to do. I had wanted to take a picture of white Arthur in the white snow, but it didn't work.
Instead I had to clean the litter boxes more than usual ! I don't understand, making little holes in snow is so easy !