Sometimes it's difficult to be a "Selfie" model !
Don't interrupt my dreams !
It seems to me that Arthur's eyes are much better. He still has some crusts around the eyes, but at least there is no liquid coming out anymore. It's rather difficult to remove the crust, sometimes he lets me do it with my fingernail, probably he realizes that he feels better then.
Strange is that his fur has grown and he is full of knots ! I tried to comb and brush him, but the knots are to thick. Mr. G. cut some off but that does look awful, so I will go with him to the young woman who always groomed Kim. Hopefully Arthur behaves good, but he absolutely has to be cleaned, as he doesn't do it anymore ! Otherwise he eats like a horse and drinks his cat milk, sleeps a lot and looks as if he had put some weight.
These pictures I have taken a few hours ago and think he looks quite good for his 18 years. Of course he sleeps a lot and doesn't go outside anymore, it is also far too cold or it rains.
Miss Rosie lives her life as usual, sleeping on my bed, or sofa, or armchair mostly during the day and during night she goes out ! She doesn't fear bad boys when she comes back she always meows to announce that she is there, I find it very polite from her only when it is 3 am I am less happy. She wakes me up to say hello, and purrs in my ear, or sits on my chest and I get nightmares. Sometimes she is wet like a sponge and I always have a tissue on my bedside table to dry her !

Here she just had finished her nap, and went for her breakfast or lunch or whatever.
Unfortunately she teases poor old Arthur ! She always tries to occupy his napping places when he is not there. So today. Arthur doesn't care, he just takes the other radiator and sleeps there. Then it is not interesting for Rosie anymore and she jumps on her armchair !
Cute is that they are closer and closer together, just like in the beginning when Rosie arrived as a kitten and Arthur played Daddy.