It didn't bother my cats at all, as Arthur shows in this picture
They didn't even realize that they got their breakfast one hour later !
The sun had come out for an hour or so

which allowed Rosie to sit in the bushes for the very first time this year !
She also took the opportunity to eat some grass, which of course she barfed later on a carpet ! I can't train her to barf on the tiles !

Arthur was playful around the garden shed and tried to jump on Rosie which didn't work

Pookie, although becoming skinny because of her age (16) still eats like a horse

she still grooms herself and takes a sunbath as soon as the sun is coming out. So I think she is in good health because her fur too is still shiny.
The rest of the week I had my usual dormitory in the house, it rained and all cats were spread over the house sleeping on various beds or in other places.