The only "agitated" moment when I see my cats moving is in the morning when they expect their breakfast. Kim fearing an earthquake sits under the table, before she decides from which bowl she should eat.
Pookie, as soon as one of us dares to cough or move in the bed, she starts to give her morning concert ! Here she waits for Mr. G. coming out of the bathroom.

Then she meows non stop until one of us has lifted her up to her bar, for her morning coffee. It's unbelievable what a noise such a little cat can produce. Our poor nerves.
Rosie after having spent the night on my bed, moves to her basket for the whole day ! The mousies remain untouched, she doesn't even put them in the food bowls anymore.
I caught a special moment on this picture, Kim giving Rosie a kiss. As they were raised together she still considers Pookie as her mother.
Even Arthur is bored, no people in the street, no neighbors working in the gardens, so besides stealing food, he has no other occupation and keeps Mr. G's chair warm.
If there would be a laziness award, my cats would win the first price !
I hope they don't start getting cabin fever - otherwise, there will be mischief and trouble!
So sweet to see Pookie and Kim together. Arthur, you should always wear red, it really suits you.
wow, impressive blog, need some more suggestion into it Lost and found
Arthur looks very comfy in Mr. G's chair!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We loved Rosie and Kim's kiss. :)
Cats being cats :)
We're not allowed to go outside, but we don't like the cold, wet weather, either.
Lazy, but adorable :)
Maybe when it gets warmer, your cats will be more active. That picture of Kim and Pookie together is lovely.
Arthur looks very comfy in the office chair ! We hope it gets warmer soon. Purrs
wow that is great, i am loving it Lost and found
They all look very content. Rosie and Kim nose to nose is very sweet.
Your cats look so contented. Love to hear about Pookie's concert. Ginger is the only cat who meows - and for such an old, bull-dog type of cat, he has a squeaky voice. What would we do without our kitties, hey?
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