With my last strength I pushed the button ! Now I am even more exhausted

Give me this tablet, I do my duty and then go away !

Look it came out very well ! I tried to make a selfie by putting the tablet under my tail, lift the leg and pushed the button. Now it's your turn to try it !
Since the weather is so nice, Arthur is back to his routine life, which means inspecting the neighbors probably to see if they survived winter.

Nobody let him in and apparently the windows were closed so disappointed he crossed the street and returned home.
where he rested from this exciting morning walk, and tried to recover for the next round.
I had installed my office outside and used the cat tent to put my computer inside against the light. Rosie found this an excellent idea, she had new napping places and on top outside where she could watch birds and butterflies.

Each time I came on the terrace, I saw her sleeping in the tent, but as soon as she saw me she went out and jumped on the chair. Impossible to get a picture of her in the tent.

Should I go in or not she thought

and finally decided to squat my chair where she stayed until I needed it.
sometimes they sit together, the grass has almost disappeared because it is so dry and when it rains it is not enough. The cats don't bother and I don't bother either. The rain will come again that's for sure !