It's far too early for selfies !

Is that me ??
No way to unfold Kim for a selfie. So this is her selfie for the week !
I have been on holidays in Ireland where I made a trip by coach around the whole island; It was very nice. I wrote about on my main blog Writer's Cramps
And while I was away my cats were spoilt by Mr. G. The result was when I got out of the car in the evening no cat was there, except Arthur, but this is nothing special because he always comes from nowhere to check out who is coming. When he saw me, he briefly looked at me and disappeared again. What a welcome.

Rosie wasn't even upset as she normally is when I am away, no she was as usual as if I had never been away for 10 days. She slept between and on the cables as if she wanted to be connected to I don't know what, probably for energy saving.

and as usual my legs have to support her little head when we watch TV.

Arthur became a stalker. Ever since he discovered that he could watch over us from outside, he sits there on the window sill and looks inside. He does it every day at the same hour, except when it is raining. I wonder if he has a watch hidden in the garden.

but he also likes to take a sunbath inside with us. We of course sit on the sofas and not on the the floor.

Kim has become Mr. G's follower. When in the past she ignored all humans and ran away, slept outside and came only in for food, now that she is nearly 18, she has changed. I am still not allowed to pet her, but Mr. G. can do with her what he wants ! Even brush her belly, which is a real miracle.
When the evening approaches she sits there on the sofa on his place and waits that he arrives. Then she would meow in a soft voice until he has settled down and she immediately climbs on his lap.
Since Pookie is gone, she sleeps on the carpets where Pookie had slept in her last months. I wonder if she misses her.
Kim has come a long way! Maybe she is taking over where Pookie left off, in her own way.
Great selfies. Hope you have a great day!
Isn't Kim lovely - it is lovely to see such hope and trust. we worked hard to try to gain Dusty's trust in the same way.
I hope you had an amazing time in Ireland.
Happy Sunday Selfie!
Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew
It's lovely when they find their own way of watching us, or for being with us when we come home. Even though you didn't quite get the welcome you expected I bet they did miss you.
Purrs. ERin
I'm glad the were very happy to see you after your trip,xx Speedy
I am sure Kim must miss Pookie. I am glad Kim likes to be loved by your hubby, maybe someday she will let you love her too.
Great selfies today by Arthur, Kim and Rosie. We bet Kim does miss Pookie.
Kim is pretty at her age. Arthur, as usual, is entertainingly funny! Purrs!
Arthur you are so cute stalking your pawrents like that.
Emma and Buster
Our angel sisfur, Daphne, would always ignore our humans when they would come home after being away for a few days or more. She'd usually come around after a couple of days. Sounds like a really great trip. We appreciate you joining us for selfies. Mom loves Arthur's photo. She is crazy for white kitties. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
Rosie is so sweet with her little head =^x^=
Arthur ! I love to do that too !
and I'm so glad to hear KIm finally melt to human on her senior years.
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