Since Lisa is gone to the bridge, Pookie is happy. Apparently Lisa had ruled the house with an iron paw and confined Pookie to Mr. G's room and the kitchen. Now she keeps us company each time we are in the living room on Lisa's favourite spot of course ! She also goes around in the house and has completely changed. Kim too is more often at home.

Pookie likes to stay inside and doesn't go out very often

Rosie is happy in the warm weather and takes a sunbath on our pet cimetary. Unfortunately I have to say that all cats (ours and others) use this place also as their favourite litter box. I think they must have other feelings about grief.

Sir Arthur is in his element ! watching the birdies and hoping for mousies. He also has discovered that he has a tail attached to the end of his body and started to play with it as you can see on this video.
Fresh grass smells so good !

Kim doesn't run away anymore and I could take pictures of a happy cat ! I always thought she didn't care about Lisa, but apparently I was very wrong ! Moral of the story, only we humans are sad !