and thank you to participate to our get together where we just meet each other and write about our cats. That's a good subject, at least for me, because there is always something to tell ! Of course blogging cats are also very welcome they can empty their heart here and complain about their humans.
Here are my four cats for those who don't know them yet.
Lisa 16 year old, bullheaded and a nerve saw
She makes it to her target to always sleep in a place where she disturbes everybody. And she only gets up when she is hungry, that means each time when somebody puts a footnail in the kitchen.
Pookie, 8 years, is a very clever and intelligent cat. She rules the whole household and is very tender and could be petted the whole day without interruption.
Fortunately she is spayed otherwise she would have filled a whole orphanage with cat babies. She considers me as her personal belonging and is tied to my leg by an unvisible string.
Kim 7 years, is a very timid and shy cat. And unfortunately she confirms what humans have too, beauty doesn't always go along with intelligence. Kim loves all cats but is very distrustful against humans. It took us more than 3 years to get her close to us to be brushed and petted. She depends very much on Pookie, who had taken care of her when she was a baby.
Arthur 5 years is the only male in this harem. He is a very funny cat, there is no other description.
He puts himself in the strangest situations and causes always a lot of laughter. He loves all humans and even dogs, but ignores cats and hates male cats.
Therefore sometimes he comes home with a scratch on his nose and last week even with a small hole in his tail.
When Arthur sleeps he sleeps and no earthquake, Tsunami or the well hated vacuum cleaner can wake him up. You can move him around or put a hat on his head, he sleeps.
Everybody in the neighbourhood knows Arthur as he likes very much to sleep in other beds and doesn't feel embarrassed at all to settle down in a freshly made neighbour bed just to check if the laundry is really clean !
I still have the blog where I wrote about Arthur and if you wish you can read his adventures
A little cat orchestra to welcome you ! Please put your ear plugs on !