Since Lisa is gone to the bridge, Pookie is happy. Apparently Lisa had ruled the house with an iron paw and confined Pookie to Mr. G's room and the kitchen. Now she keeps us company each time we are in the living room on Lisa's favourite spot of course ! She also goes around in the house and has completely changed. Kim too is more often at home.

Pookie likes to stay inside and doesn't go out very often

Rosie is happy in the warm weather and takes a sunbath on our pet cimetary. Unfortunately I have to say that all cats (ours and others) use this place also as their favourite litter box. I think they must have other feelings about grief.

Sir Arthur is in his element ! watching the birdies and hoping for mousies. He also has discovered that he has a tail attached to the end of his body and started to play with it as you can see on this video.
Fresh grass smells so good !

Kim doesn't run away anymore and I could take pictures of a happy cat ! I always thought she didn't care about Lisa, but apparently I was very wrong ! Moral of the story, only we humans are sad !
Pookie is beautiful. Love the way she sleeps on top of the sofa.
That's a nice pet cemetary. Now I prefer to cremate.
Hahaha, all these while, Sir Arthur didn't know he has a tail? Saw your shadow in the video!
Nice post lovely pictures of everyone.. As they say life goes on and the cats are a good example of that. They probably miss in their own way.. I loved the little pet cemetary.. Arthur as always was gorgeous.. The collage was lovely too.. Hugs GJ x
Wonderful pictures. I guess cats grieve in their own way. Your little cemetary is nice.
Arthur is beautiful as always. so are Pookie and Kim.
I enjoyed the little video of Arthur and his tail.
Sorry for Lisa.. That is a very nice cemetery! Arthur is handsome as usual, and there're a lot of Kim's nice pose!
What a difference huh? To think that Lisa was such a little powerhouse!
We're back online but at a new space: Can you change your bookmarks for us? See you soon.
That is a lovely post today!
Love the collage. Your pet cemetray looks great. I´m sure that cats are grieving too!
Thats a cute video of tail chaser Arthur. My youngest son and me enjoyed watching it much.
Glad to see Kim happy in the garden!
*Happy Tuesday*
We espeshully love the video of Arthur! And we are glad that life goes on .. even though we are still sad that Lisa had to go to the Bridge.
It's funny how cats (or dogs) have an order among them. Here in our house, Greta is the Top Dog. Then, Anneliese, then Arnie and lastly the biggest dog, Fritz!
Everyone looks so happy. Pookie's colors show up well on your couch, she is so pretty. I can't believe Arthur is trying to catch his tail! I'm surprised his furs don't turn green rubbing in all that grass.
Ah, Pookie looks so comfortable and looks to be enjoying her new freedom. so sorry to hear about Lisa, though.
The pet cemetary is a lovely tribute to those who have passed on.
We liked watching Sir Arthur enjoying a nice roll on the grass and chasing his tail. We are jealous, but we should be getting some green grass soon if it keeps warming up!
Looks like Kim is enjoying the grass as well.
Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike
Losing one cat changes everything for the rest of them - who is who in the pecking order. They can still miss Lisa but now they have to rearrange their hierarchy! Lovely photos of all.
I laughed at the little video of Arthur chasing his tail. It's so funny when adult cats do that. Munchkin often chases her tail. When Sox died, only Cubby grieved. I guess it depends on how they get along.
Wonderful, wonderful pictures and video.....Kim looks so much like our Sammy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pookie does seem very content and comfortable. I guess the cats each adjust in their own way.
I think that all cats deal with a cat going to the bridge in different ways. They don't really know what happened but notice the void - if the void means they can assert themselves more then they do. At our house our cat Lola seems to miss her brother a lot. She will start to cry very sadly for no reason, like she is looking for someone - and then when I call her she cheers up and comes to me. They were very close so I think that she is looking for him.
Arthur had a wonderful time playing in the grass. I could hear the wind,
the weather in Germany must be very
much like where I live sunny and
windy but our lawns are not so green yet. I think kitties know their house mates are gone but I think their urge to survive over comes the emotions of sad. I always miss my dear kitties so much, because they were part of my family and my life. ♥
Hi Gattina. I agree. Since our Charlie died last summer, life with the cats is totally different. They are relaxed, they all sleep with us at night and they all seem to have total freedom in their lives. I knew Charlie was a bully, but I didn't know how much. I still miss him badly.
But your video of Arthur made me happy again. There is nothing like a happy cat to make your mood better.
Pookie is so cute, love how she sleeps and she is looking very relax and cozy on sofa :)
Pookie sure does look contented.
This was a fun post, all kittehs accounted for. Its good to see a happy famibly!
We knows your heart hurts for missing Lisa.
Lovely Gattina! Cats are very lovable pets! As long as we are their obedient servants, they'll treat us well. In two weeks I have a story and video of the Mousehole Cat in Cornwall. It's such a delightful story.
Thanks for your visit.
Lovely post and photos, as always, Gattina. I know how much you must be missing Lisa, but am glad the other kitties seem to be adjusting to the change. Arthur's video is adorable ... he is SO fast when he goes after his tail!
Purrs and prayers.
Isn't it amazing what you find out about a cat household when one of them isn't there? I'm not sure who rules the roost here...I think they take turns.
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