As Pookie can't jump on my bed anymore I found the perfect solution !

I had seen on a blog a doll bed somebody had bought at Ikea and had transformed it into a bed for her cat ! I found this a wonderful idea ! I bought the bed, Mr. G. assembled it and now Pookie is happy to have her own bed besides mine !

Arthur didn't mind that I put a napkin on him while he was hoping to find some food in the still empty plate !

While you are reading this I will sit in the plane and fly into the warmth and sunshine of Egypt. Rosie supervised my packing, she will be the only one who will miss me.

Kim never realizes if I am there or not, so she can groom herself in peace.

and this afternoon I will be here, enjoying the beautiful hotel, the food and the warm weather for 12 days !
Enjoy your trip...into the land where cats were worshipped!
How nice that you got Pookie her own bed! I am so sad that Egypt has strayed from the feline worship that marked its golden era. Still, my human would love to see the Pyramids someday.
Have a nice trip!
We love Pookie's bed! How nice that she enjoys it so much.
Arthur - you are a very good sport, wearing that napkin. :)
Rosie, we try to climb in the suitcase when our humans pack, too.
Kim - Looking good! It's nice to see you!
Have a nice trip Gattina. Enjoy the warm sun!
The little bed is a great idea and it's very cute.
Raven is like Arthur - her dad can put anything on her and she usually doesn't mind.
It IS a wonderful idea. Now the cat has its own bedroom. Have a lovely weekend.
I hope Ikea here has a little bed like Pookies, I will buy one for Charlotte.
Arthur looks cute with his napkin costume! And what a great solution to help Pookie.
Enjoy your trip :)
That is wonderful that you got Pookie a bed :)
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