No time for selfies
OK, OK, I try to make my eyes bigger
Chicken first, Selfie after !
There is something in the air ..
We are still sitting in the rain, somebody had told me when I was a child that angels are crying when it rains ! Then the angels have all a depression or a burn out ! They should cry all over the world and not only here and in Australia not at all, there apparently take a break !
Therefore my cats lay around and sleep or dream or whatever, but they are not very active.
Rosie does stretching exercises on the scratching board or tries to answer the phone !
Arthur besides sleeping and eating (a lot) has discovered a new occupation ! He tries to scratch his paws in the water bowl ! As the bowl was small he managed to pull it with one paw in the middle of the kitchen and of cause water spitted all around. I thought I will be more clever and put a very big and very heavy bowl instead the little one. The result was that he splish splashed like crazy the water out of the bowlwith both paws and the whole kitchen was full of water. As he had walked on the wet floor and went in the living he left dirty foot prints all over the tiles ! I had to clean wherever he had walked ! Has anybody ever had a cat who did this ?
Now I think I will put an absorbing fabric under the bowl or I have to put boots on his paws but I doubt that he would agree !
Finally in the evening they watch TV with me, one to the left, one to the right !