I wished spring would arrive
No, no, no selfie today !
Me two years ago
and now, a bit older, a bit slower but still a pain in the neck !
Although Arthur looks as if he wouldn't finish the day, he still is a pain in the neck and suddenly full of energy. Each time Mr. G. goes into the kitchen he meows until he gets something to eat, even if he had just eaten 10 min before ! It's like a game ! He then eats a little piece and walks away. The bowl is full. Mr. G. leaves the kitchen and when he comes back he is still followed by Arthur who meows again for food.
This makes a lot of noise, because Arthur has a loud voice and Mr. G. too ! So one meows and the other shouts "shut up, I just fed you" and there is a whole conversation going on ! Arthur always wins ! Slowly I get crazy, the old cat makes fun out of his old servant and when I compare their comportment they are like twins !

Reading a notice together
Both like chocolate cookies. Mr. G. left a basket with cookies on the table during the night with the result that Arthur had taken them all out and apparently had tried them all. The whole living was full of crumbs. I am the cleaning president of the house.
Arthur also still loves guests, the more they are the better it is ! Then he walks from legs to legs or leather shoes to leather shoes and selects one on which he could sharpen his claws. Unfortunately that doesn't work anymore, I mean it's sad for him but good for the owner's shoes.
Of course he also plays the victim which is never fed and starving. With hungry eyes he stares at each guests who of course can't resist and he gets a piece from whatever. I don't say anything anymore, the last days or weeks of his life he should eat whatever he likes.
anything eatable ?
and he is still fit enough to jump on the new TV furniture to check the cables behind !
Rosie is the opposite, she runs away when guests arrive and spends most of her time on the sofa, on her scratch board or besides my lap to watch TV
Nothing on TV !
Observing me while I do my Yoga exercises
How very different they both are – yet equally adorable and in their own ways frustrating I guess – Arthur and Katie that is MOL. Thank goodness there are only Mrs H and me in the house to have conversations between that way neither of us can get annoyed by the noise of the chatter.
That second photo of Rosie made us laugh! Arthur, we are glad you are still full of life and mischief. :)
I wonder what Rosie thinks when she watches a human do yoga? Arthur sure is spunky, what a dude! Eat whatever you like sweet boy.
They are such sweeties.
I can just hear Arthur and Mr. G having that conversation. I hope you got to eat some of the cookies before Arthur helped himself. Arthur is looking good, as is Rosie.
Arthur you sure are a Spunky dude! You remind me of my older brother Spunky Bear who went home years ago. He lived to be 19 years old and still liked doing lots of stuff like climbing fences! Glad you loves people dear Arthur cause then you can get treats and eats whatever you likes... Stay strong dear boy.
Rosie, you am more like my sisfur Mouse who went over the rainbow bridge too. She would run so fast from visitors that's why Mom named her Mouse. Dat's okay Rosie, as long as you got one human you loves - dat's all you need.
Purrz from Katie Ann Kitty Too... 16 years old this month.
young Chiquita and Miss Peach helped mom blog today by sharing their little fight about the sunny spot. Miss Peach shared some sad news too about our Dad.
Cute selfies I am glad Arthur is still enjoying life.
What a pair they are! I am sat here laughing at Arthur and Mr G!!!
Arthur reminds me of our Harvey, thin, old and oh so demanding when you go in the kitchen!!
Have a good week and Happy Sunday,
Love that 2nd photo of Rosie! I'm glad Arthur has lots of energy and enjoys having guests :-)
We just love the selfies that you shared. We also can't wait until spring arrives and we hope it comes quickly. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
Granny says, I can relate with Arthur...getting very picky and forget that I had breakfast, dinner and my evening meal a minute ago...MOL...Looks like we only have one way...food...MOL... You're still looking great Arthur and Rosie too😸Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞
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