The weather was crazy this week ! Until wednesday it was very warm up til 20°C (68 F) and Arthur of course took the opportunity to watch the street from our front yard.

Noboy escapes him especially the dogs which he is nagging only by sitting like a little statue on the wall.
For the moment he is the only cat with some other activities then sleeping !
He watches over Mr. G taking a bath,

and keeps my car nicely decorated with paw prints.
Then the weather changed and the temperature dropped to - 1 °C (24 F°) and it was freezing

Our living room became a dormitory, with Mr. G. included as he still has his eye infection and doesn't see very well, except the cats of course.

Kim has come back and is now always together with Pookie whom she still considers as her mother, although they didn't come from the same litter. Pookie stems from a pet shop in London and was bought by my son, while Kim one year later came from my friend's cat litter also from London. BTW they still meow in English together so that the others don't understand !

This was the view I had yesterday when I came back from shopping ! All cats united in the

Rosie has her "flying cat" period and jumps on the mantel piece to groom ! So far she hasn't broken anything !

For once I managed to take a picture of the three eating together ! Usually they all eat at another time, Pookie her dry food during 24 h and Kim and Arthur like chicken, beef, or fish "mousse" which they eat in the morning !
Mr. G. had heard about a kleptomanical cat in California, and I found the corresponding video ! It is just unbelievable the cat had stolen about 600 (big) items over 3 years !
I remembered then that Arthur when he was about one or two also stole things ! Here he had carried this big cord bone from our neighbors dog through the cat flap into the living room !! Mr. G. of course thought it was me ! Another time he brought a whole French bread home, it was almost bigger than Arthur himself.
But what you can see here is just incredible !