Here she is thinking over what to chase now ! She had had some little flies, a little beatle and even met a worm ! What a strange thing that was ! looked like a string and moved each time she touched it with her paw. Very interesting ! And the little snail she had taken for a marble ! So many strange and new things.

Rosie is thinking hard, what is coming next ??

Maybe there is something up in the tree ?

She heard something behind her and quickly turned around to see what it was.

Working hard behind the paper bag and digging little holes, she didn't find neither mole nor gold

It's very disappointing, Rosie thought and looks for new adventures.

Meanwhile Arthur has collapsed on the sofa. He had been out all morning to make his tour in the neighborhood, had probably been fed by all his human friends and felt now exhausted ! Life is hard !!
Hi Rosie! Aren't gardens the best to explore!! Poor Arthur, did he have too much tuna today?
Rosie, you are so cute! That curious little nose of yours is a wonder! and so is Arthur :)
Rosie reminds me of my daughter's cat. I "catsit" that cat from time to time, and have a lot of fun: that cat wakes up each morning in a good mood, and rediscover the whole universe around her, including the garden. She goes smelling flowers, chasing moth etc. with the same enthousiasm each day...
Rosie good luck with your exploring. Arthur you are so funny ~The Fluffy Tribe
Fabulous "reportage" - it's so "Catish" - even the King Arthur.
Sorry for my "absence" lately. I did post about it TORsday evening.
I think Arthur might think, since right now Rosie will check the small every detail. He just need to make the big social will be alright~!!!!
Rosie is so so special now, she is much more prettier than ever~!!!!! And excellent photo skill now you have~!!!! I love every cut~!!!!
Arthur and I resemble each other -- in looks and in activities! I'll leave the garden reconnaisance to younger kitties.
QUESTION: we are going to move from the appartment to a house with garden and all, and I am really worried about letting Peter out. any tips and tricks for me? do you cats just stay in their own garden, without exploring others? please help with advice! thanks!
Rosie is so big now. I love your garden, Gattina.
Kisses from Mexico
Rosie, you are just getting more beautiful every day!
Rosie, your garden looks like a great place to explore!
Rosie, you sure are growing up fast! Love those garden pictures and Arthur looks like lord of the manor, all stretched out and relaxed the way he is! :)
It is so good to see Rosie out and having a great time in the spring garden! she is a great supporter and helper I see...
Arthur, hahaha He does look completely out, funny picture of him hahahaha
purr for a happy week-end
OOooh forgot. I love all of the pictures but #4 is the best!! Wowie Rosie
You take the nicest pictures, makes me wish I were in your garden chasing bugs!! We're home from vacation, got wind-blown and treated poorly in Utah - nice to be home!!
Rosie is so pretty against the
green grass. Your all grown up
now! Arthur looks very relaxed :)
Rosie is so pretty! What an adventure she had.
That picture of Arthur, though - Priceless!
That picture of Arthur is just fantastic. That would make anyone smile!
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