I think it is the first time I could take a picture of a cat "meeting" on my bed ! That 3 of them sleep together doesn't happen very often. Rosie wanted to join of course.
Pookie didn't like that at all and looked menacing
Rosie tried to sneak around her
had a doubtful look
and prefered to go away
having a little tea party in her basket !
Rosie, may we have a nice cup of tea? No sugar, just 2 lumps of catnip, please.
*giggle*, poor little Rosie! I'm afraid I'm the same way as your older cats when it comes to my siblings. I love them, but I prefer that they keep a certain amount of distance because my purrsonal space is very important to me.
Rosie, may we have a nice cup of tea? No sugar, just 2 lumps of catnip, please.
Don't worry Rosie~~~
At least you join the meeting for some minutes~~~ I think you must know the discussions of the meeting!!!!
Oah, I think your little party is very adorable, might I join you?
It is okay Rosie, we don't like to be on the bed at the same time either. We hiss and swipe at each other.
I really like your tea set. May I have a cup?
I'll have tea with this cat if no one else will.
cheers kittie cats!
*giggle*, poor little Rosie! I'm afraid I'm the same way as your older cats when it comes to my siblings. I love them, but I prefer that they keep a certain amount of distance because my purrsonal space is very important to me.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Wow! So much kitties! So funny!
Power cat! Muahahaha!
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