

How nice to sit in the sunshine on my tower !

There is something moving on the floor ! Can't lift my head !

 I tried to smile for my selfie, but I forgot to open my eyes !

I really cannot understand why all humans are so unhappy with their lockdown lives ! For us cats it's just wonderful, we always have  company, because now they work from home or stay at home ! 
I have to admit that sometimes it's a bit getting on my nerves, because I can't do my pedicure elsewhere than on my cat tower, because I also like to scratch the chair, it sounds so nice but then they get angry  !
My days are almost all the same, which doesn't bother me I love to have a regular life !
 The whole night I have the living room all for myself and I hop and ran around and play and sometimes I also sing because I am so happy !
I don't understand that she is NOT happy, because I make a lot of noise. Now she tries to get me tired before she goes to bed, but so far it hasn't really worked ! After a good day sleep I am in full shape during the night. The Butler has closed his door and doesn't hear anything.

Around 5 am I go to bed too, that means I just walk a bit on her to find the right place, but she doesn't like that and gets up for her litter box. Then we find an agreement, she lays on one side and I sleep against her belly

Then when she starts with her computer I sit on my tower and look out of the windows on both sides ! Sometimes I see pigeons flying by but they are so big ! But I love the little squirrels which I can see crossing the lawn.  It's a pity that I can't catch them because they just have the right size and they have a red fur.

After having sniffed a bit fresh air, without going out,  it's too cold, I do my grooming from top to bottom, and then I am again very tired !

The rest of the day you will find me here, unless we have visitors !


Summer said...

That last selfie really made me smile!

The Chair Speaks said...

Rosie's funny and cute! Purrs and hugs!

The J-Cats said...

Yes, We also can't imagine why any human would even WANT to go out now, when it's so cold and wintry! And for US, having them present around the clock, to wait on Us continually paw and paw, is - well, just purrfect!
What a fantastic view you have from the top of your Tower!

meowmeowmans said...

Your typical day sounds purrfect to us, Rosie! We agree with Summer ... that last selfie made us smile really big. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your selfie is darn cute and I love that last photo too! I hope you enjoy a wonderful non-company day!

pilch92 said...

Great selfies Rosie. My hubby and I don't mind staying in, we are hermits.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Rosie getting the sleep time set is hard. Dad was pretty rigid when we came as he was working and we fell in line. The plan that worked was play at night before bedtime and then a treat snack. Toby and I finally started listening and then taught those who came after. Love your photos this week and your Selfie is darling

Marvelous Marv said...

Our Mom just finished work at the end of November and we are still all on her work schedule. We WANT her to go to bed at 8 pm and get up at 5:30 am. Mom has been staying up to about 9:30 pm and get up at 7:00 am. So far THAT only happens 1/4 the time. She says retraining is taking too long! We LOVE your photos this week and your night story and your selfie made us laugh! Have a marvellously Happy Day!

Catscue said...

My kitties like me working from home too Rosie. It sounds like you have a pretty good life and your Peeps love you. You might want to let them sleep once in a while - MOL!

William Kendall said...

Total cuteness.

Photo Cache said...

Hey guys, nice to see you!

Have a great week ahead. Hope you get more sun.

Emma and Buster

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Here in NZ we don't have it quite so bad, the the cats enjoy us being at home so they can enjoy the summer sun anyway MOL!!

Have a good and safe week all of you.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Did you her us giggling way over here?? MOL!

Years ago when Angels Toki and Suki were here there would be lots of that nighttime craziness here too!
Sometimes, but not as much, Angels Pipo & Minko would run up and down the stairs, like a herd of elephants having a stampede!

You lead a fun like, Rosie, and you have the best of staff:)

Furries said...

Humans like their sleep as much as kitties do.
I love seeing your photo with the bright throw on the chair. And your area rug by the sliding door is beautiful (and you're beautiful on it).

EricaSta said...

Wundervoll... jedes Porträt für sich. Manche Pose kommt mir bekannt vor *lach. Irgendwie sind sich die Katzen ähnlich. Obwohl jede für sich ihren eigenen Charakter und Temperament besitzt.

Immer wieder schön anzusehen.

Liebe Katzengrüße __ Miau-Miau __ von Luzie und mir 🙋‍♀️🐈