There is a birdie ! Can't take a selfie

I don't know why but I have a headache
Now that our cat family is reduced to two, Christmas was a bit strange, although except Arthur they never participated.
Once the house empty again, Rosie who had spent most of the time outside, warmed herself up on Arthur's place. She does it on purpose, she is a naughty little girl !
In the past Arthur would have chased her away but now at 88 in human years he just let it go.
But then she went on "her chair" again on which she loves to sleep.
The cleaning lady had been there and I had put the scratchboard away so Rosie waited that I put it back and was rolling happily around.
In fact these were the only activities she did the whole week, sleeping, eating, a little walk outside and then again sleeeping ...... etc
Arthur was exhausted after Christmas celebration, he still likes a lot of human company and even tried to help to unwrap the gifts.
He played with his pal Toby and a string, unfortunately my camera was not there where it should have been

Father Christmas has brought a metal detector for Toby and Arthur as he is deaf, went besides the detector but didn't find anything.

The rest of the week he spent on his little fur rag and often got up to eat and visit his litter box. He eats a lot and becomes more and more skinny. But as long as he plays and loves company I think he feels well. Now each morning I wash his face and the fur with a humid face cloth, he doesn't like it but he let me wash him a bit.