My upside down selfie came out very well !

I have to listen what he says

No time for selfies I have to clean my paw !
Spending the whole day outside in the warmth of the sun, is finished. It's cool to cold now in the mornings and in the afternoons it's only a little better.

Rosie adjusted her lifestyle and choose the warm radiator to sleep on

Kim has difficulties she wants to sleep in the grass but it's humid now and she has to return into the house, in "her" bathroom where she spends her days. I tried to show her another place to sleep and closed the bathroom door, put her little carpet at the entrance where she used to stay before, but she sat in front of the bathroom door and meowed heartbreakingly. And as usual she won. I have to find a compromise, it's getting really annoying with a cat who sleeps on the toilet carpet if you have to go there.

Rosie since grown up nags the poor Arthur, here she doesn't allow him to go inside. And good tempered Arthur waits until the way is free !

These are probably the last pictures of Rosie and Arthur using the garden furniture, before we have to put them together and cover up for the winter.
Fortunately the bark is still a bit warm and Arthur enjoys the sunshine there.
Compared to the past the weeks are rather boring. When I got the word "potential" to knit a story around this word, immediately Arthur came into my mind and I made a resumé of Arthur's talents and potentials here