My cats feel neglected, I didn't write about them this week, the reason was I had to create a Facebook page for our painting group and that took me quite some time.
Meanwhile it cooled down and from outsiders my cats have become insiders. The beds, sofas and radiators are always decorated with a cat !
Kim always looks for company, the others not so much.
Arthur is always getting on the nerves of Mr. G. because he sits on his lap and looks at him with big eyes which makes Mr. G. nervous because he feels obliged to get up and give him something to eat, and that Arthur knows !
If just looking at him doesn't help, he would sit on the table so that Mr. G. can't watch his movie anymore because he cuts his view.
Each evening I have this view, Mr. G. looking like a Teletubby
He doesn't hear as well as I do (I suppose you understand) and this was the best solution for me not to become deaf.
Kim here shares the sofa with Arthur. Kim has changed, she is mostly in the house now, and is less shy, I am even allowed to pet her, just a little bit, but she sits every evening on Mr. G.'s lap and wants to be petted or even brushed ! Miracles happen !
Arthur always wants the place where Rosie is sleeping. In the past they always slept together but now she hisses him away ! Poor Arthur !
And here are the cat selfies :
Oups ! It went off !
I suffer from a lack of energy
me too !
Yes hold up the tablet, I just want to see how I look upside down !