Oh, sorry I just had to yawn when the shot went off ! At least you can see that my teeth are clean
I am a little confused, I can't get used to these modern things ! In good old times it was the human who made the pictures, now I have to do it myself and I am 18 !!
Yes, yes, here is my paw, I continue to sleep
Dammit, I look as I feel ! Why am I always disturbed when I do my napping marathon ???
Wow 18 that is one coll age there. Well done and as for those teeth WOWEEEEE!!
Hey a happy Sunday.
You all look great. Nice to see Kim.
Hi guys, looking good! I am impressed that at 18 you are doing better than my peep! I wonder what your secret is? purrs ERin
I see it took a little prodding to get you guys to do your selfies this week! ;-)
You are looking good for 18, Pookie. I agree, it is much easier when the human takes the photos.
Very nice selfies!
Sheesh. Humans and their stupid flashy boxes! No respect! ~Bear Cat
ps - great selfies :)
Excellent selfies!!
Mindy & Mike
Arthur, not only can we see your clean teeth, but that is quite an array of whiskers as well. We think you all did great jobs with these selfies. Thanks for joining us each week. It means a lot to us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
We think you all did nice selfies! Arthur, what nice white teeth you have!
At 18 years old, it's great that you are learning new tricks. But I also think you're entitled to your mom taking your selfie.
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