For my cats Christmas are horror days ! Their worst enemy arrived in form of 3 year old grandson Toby.

Pookie and Kim spent their days on Mr. G's bed

Rosie on mine, and they only sneaked out when it was absolutely necessary !
For Arthur however, Christmas was fun ! With his 12 years he suddenly transformed into a kitten and spent two very nice and very busy days. Not only he enjoyed the salmon and the guinea hen, but also his little friend Toby.

He loved all the new toys, ran behind little cars, played with the crane and anyway was always between our feet.

Arthur loves Toby, he is such a kind little boy, he doesn't pull his tail or runs behind him, he just talks to him and pets his head.

Even in the afternoon, when other kids arrived, Arthur was there observing what they were doing.

But then in the evening, after all the treats Mr. G. had smuggled into the kitchen because he (Mr. G.) was not allowed to give Arthur anything at table to avoid that he would jump into the guinea hen, Arthur was so tired that he didn't even protest when I put a mouse on his head for a picture !
He really is a special case because it's quiet seldom that a cat loves little kids !
Arthur is the host with the most! Nokitty here would hang out with kids like he does.
Arthur, you are a star. Hope 2014 is good to you***
Arthur is such a gentle cat when the kids come to stay and doesn't go and hide. We would disappearin the blink of an eye!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Arthur would make a good babysitter. :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!
Arthur loves to play with human toys and hopefully sneak some of the kids yummy treat too! The rest of the cats are safely tuck away much like my Sweepy.
Have a merry and exciting 2014, Gattina!
Arthur is such a sweetie and so is Toby. It sounds like he's been taught how to be kind to animals. I enjoyed these pictures!
Happy New Year!
Curious if Arthur "grew up" around children? How wonderful Toby knows how to treat Arthur :)
Wie ich sehe hattet ihr ein glückliches Weihnachtsfest ,dann bleibt mir nur noch :euch ein gesundes,gutes neues Jahr zu wünschen,
alles liebe,
Happy New Year to you, Mr. G and the cats, Gattina! We hope your 2014 is filled with much joy, laughter and love.
We LOVE that Arthur and Toby are such great friends. :)
Arthur is so brave! target and Guido are terrified of kids.
I didn't know you had a cat blog, too! I just finished reading some back posts and have now met all your cats, I think. Rosie is my favorite because I have a Rosie, too, white with some black spots and big bushy black tail.
Your grandson is very well-behaved around cats and I'm glad Arthur rewarded him with some attention!
Arthur is such a darling! Happy New Year! Purrs from all of us!
Hi Gattina,
what a cute Christmas cat is Arthur. That shows his character so well. We had only one cat who loved to stay in the childrens room inmidst the playing children. Arthur looks really delighted. He enjoyed Christmas like a child. I wish you a Happy New Year.
Best greetings,
Happy barky 2014 Gattina!
And also to Arthur, Pookie, Kim and Rosie. And to MrG too!
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