After it had been too cold now it it too hot ! We all melt we have 35° (95 F)
Arthur plays decoration to complete the alley into 3 white cats. I first thought the heat made me see 3 cats instead of two.
The heat doesn't disturb his appetite and he terrorizes Mr. G on the terrace, meowing operas to get some food from his plate and the whole neighborhood can hear them both. Of course Mr.G doesn't meow, but he shouts to stop it ! So far we didn't have the visit of the police because of noise nuisance.
Early morning when I open the windows to let in some cool air, Arthur sand Rosie check the weather and of course what is happening on the street !
Rosie often lays under the bushes in the cool shade and observes me typing
Pookie sometimes does it too, but she has such a good camouflage fur, that I hardly could see her.
Late afternoons she makes a little tour now, before returning to her favorite napping places.
Rosie also likes to lay amongs the pebbles and embellishes the garden as statue
and in the evenings when it had cooled down, she likes to sit on the table and probably waits for mousies coming out of their holes. So far without any success.
People change with the age, to the better or worse, and cats do too !
Pookie the sweet quiet cat who never or seldom pronounced a word meow not even when she was hungry, changed now into a real unnerving chatter box ! She will be 15 in November ! As soon as I move sometimes only to go to my litterbox, she starts her concert. So I try not to do the same fault I did with Lisa feeding her in the middle of the night just to have my peace. Before 7 I don't get up ! (or sometimes I do) Then she will eat and just after eating she starts to meow again especially when Mr. G. is shaving. She talks in all sounds from soft to hard ! And then there is silence for the rest of the day.
Madame Pookie sleeps and you don't hear her anymore until the next day when she starts again ! I think I have to wear earplugs.
Kim the lonesome cat, loves to join Arthur in the bark, when it's nice and warm outside.
or he does his rounds sometimes together with Rosie.
We have a lot of magpies around and this makes Rosie very angry. Not only they look like her disguised as bird but they are very loud too and fight all the time. She observes them and "twitters" but she doesn't dare to go closer or or even catch one, because they are very big and also very aggressive ! I am always worried that one of them would attack little Rosie as it had happened to our neighbor's cat. They are a real plague. Sometimes, when I don't wear my glasses and look out into the garden I think Rosie is sitting there but it is a magpie !
The whole week long we all thought we were still in winter. A warm winter, but still we had the heating on ! Our house was a big dormitory for all the cats who didn't know what do do because of the rain. Therefore they slept ! Good philosophy when you are a cat and you have servants !
Arthur, besides some little walks through the neighborhood, his only activities were to change from one napping place to the other and eat ! He terrorised Mr. G. during each supper because he wants his food and not the cat food.
On Friday from living in the Northpole we suddenly switched from one day to the other to desert temperatures.
I had packed my suitcase for a weekend in Amsterdam and Rosie choose the plastic bag for the bedlinnen as her new napping place. She was quiet angry when I had to put my bedlinnen in the bag and she had to go elsewhere.
When we came back it was hot ! Our neighbor had taken care of our little darlings and when we arrived nobody was there ! What a welcome !
But then slowly slowly they showed up, just to throw a glance on us and check if we were the right servants.
Because of the heat, Arthur choose a cool place on the bark to rest from his inactivity.
Of course Rosie had to follow and watched his grooming.
As soon as she saw me with the camera she started her rolling around show ! The tiles were cool, so perfect for her ! She hadn't even catched a mouse, or maybe she has, but I haven't found it yet.
Kim thought she would make a nice table decoration on the white garden furniture.
Pookie doesn't care about cold or hot weather, she loves her sofa
and after all this fresh air and a day outside, Rosie collapsed on her tower.
Arthur looses his hair so much that sometimes I think it had snowed in the house. Wherever he goes or sits or sleeps he leaves white hair. Fed up I told Mr. G. to buy a special brush for cats. I had one, but couldn't find it as my cats are rather brush hostile.
He came back with a comb for dogs ! I told him that he didn't even need to read because there were two big dog heads on the package. He pretended that fur is fur. So I had to go back and swapped the comb into a cat brush.
I first tried it with Pookie. She was very suspicious about this thing, but then when I brushed her softly, she got used and purred but suddenly had enough and hissed at me !
Arthur too, was very distrustful, let me brush him for a minute, then he slapped at me, took the brush out of my hand and kept it between his paws. No way to get it out of there, without being scratched !
Ungrateful cats ! Rosie didn't bother, but there was nothing to brush either.
Arthur told me clearly that he prefers to groom himself and without brush !
Rosie after having waited for a while had caught a mouse and brought it in the living room, while we were watching TV. Mr. G. creaked out of his sofa and tried to save the mouse without success. She escaped into the garden and the last thing Mr. G. saw from the mouse was her tail, just disappearing in Rosie's mouth. As you can see, she was very satisfied with herself.
From an outside cat, Kim since a few months changed into an inside cat ! I first thought it was because of the cold and rain, but now even when the sun is shining she prefers to stay on "her" bed. Maybe she is getting old, she will be 14 in December. Her character hasn't changed though, she still is very shy and runs away if you want to pet her.