After some grey days and cold, finally the sun came out.

Each morning when I make my bed, Rosie checks the weather ! She sticks her little nose outside and decided that it is still too cold to go outside

She prefers to lay on the radiator (the heating is still on) and watches the birdies from inside.

You could think that it is always the same picture, but no, now Rosie puts 3 mousies in the water bowl instead of one or two ! I tell you the mousies are very clean !!

Arthur too prefers to watch outside life through the window. A part from that, he has jumped on my tray to eat chicken from my dish, with the result that the tray skipped over and I was full of rice, vegetables and chicken pieces ! Thanks to Mr. G's good education methods, I became a victim of Arthur ! Usually he never asks me for food ! I had to change my clothes, wash the sofa and clean the rice from the floor and you can imagine that I couldn't hold back my feelings and expressed them ladylike to Mr. G %&é#^* !

Arthur feeling innocent, shared the bed with Kim for a little nap

Kim too, despite the sunny weather still prefers to stay inside and is very angry when I dare to try to make Mr. G's bed !

Pookie as always behaves like the perfect ladycat, she eats, sleeps and purrs around our legs ! Her last sleeping place is the entrance, but if somebody rings the bell she runs away, not a very good watch cat !
My human got some fried chicken today and shared with us! Which means that we were all over the table, in her face and trying to eat the chicken before her. We've been taking Arthur lessons!
Ooo, Arthur is a naughty boy, isn't he? Perhaps the humans should finish their food at one sitting and not leave till all food is consumed to prevent such accident to happen again. Purrs!
Oh Arthur! You should probably stick with Mr G's food tray. MOL!
Glad to hear the weather's warming up and everyone will soon be playing outside again. :)
Kim is getting very brave! I loved the way you told Mr G off and not Arthur about the upset tray :O)))
Mum was laughing about Rosie's mousies having to swim! It's something we've never thought of but we may have to give it a try.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Arthur, I just have chicken too ! YUM YUM YUM
But never dare on mom's dish. I could get kill by that !
You are very brave Mancat : )
Kim, don't tell Rosie, Arthur or Pookie but I think you are my new favourite.
lovely pics in all fur colors! :)
Great pictures of everyone. Arthur you are bad nocking mum's dish over. I bet she didn't stay mad for long. Mum was glad to hear that the robot for the garden is a success. Hugs GJ x
Arthur is too clever - he knows to wait for an opportunity to snatch unfinished food.
Pookie is very elegant indeed in that last photo.
Sunny and cold weather over here too , they say it shall be warmer next week.
I do hope the weatherman is right !!
Me too keep up my work with washing my mousies :)
Have a great week !
I don't know what I would do if I did not have cats messing up my food. Hehe.
Rosie is really adorable,
always let the mice join her meal :)
Arthur does look contented sitting on the table. Glad to know you're having some sunshine - warmer weather is on the way and the cats can play! Hurray!
I'd better not let Ginger see the mousies in the water bowl. He loves playing with a variety of his favorites but normally flicks them into his sawdust filled sandbox. I have to keep reminding Regina to check for BRIGHT objects in the sawdust before she turfs it out! I love seeing pics of all your kitties and intend to visit here more often.
Always pleasur walking on lovely blogs.
Wow Fried Chicker! You luckee Kitee!
Oh by the way I furgotted to mention I like colorful mousies too! And the blue are my favz! So much fur cats being color blinded.
Oh, I love Rosie in the window. I don’t blame her for lying on the radiator. The kitties here would love that! Too funny about the three mousies in the water bowl. She’s helping mom do laundry.
Oh no. Arthur was naughty (surprise!).
Kim & Pookie, you girls are so sweet!
That Arthur sure does like to eat human food. MOL, but not when he knocks your tray over!
Rosie and Kim ... we agree ... stay inside until it gets warmer.
Pookie: Moosey does not like when someone comes to the front door, either!
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