Fortunately we have Arthur to keep us entertained !

For once I had baked a apple strudel cake because my friend Claudie from the French Rivera was on visit. I had covered it with aluminium foil ! While we were sitting in the living room Arthur started his work ! He took the foil off and started eating the apple cake ! Claudie only could admire the remaining pieces and a completely destroyed cake ! Arthur looked content and we were without cake !

He has also started to go outside again, and warms up his bones in the sunshine or visits our graveyard to pay his respect by using it as a litter box.

Rosie too, goes outside again. She checks the weather in the evening while I air the living room

and does her morning yoga and washing on the terrace !

Pookie hasn't changed a bit, she continues her life as inside cat, sleeps, talks a lot and snores very loud ! I always think there is an old man snoring loud with an open mouth, and have to increase the sound of the TV !

Despite the good weather Kim prefers to stay inside, together with all cats and produces knots ! As soon as I am coming back from France I have to take her to the groomer again !

and while you are reading this I am sitting on the plane taking me to the French Riveria for a week with Claudie. Meanwhile Mr. G. will spoil the cats and fatten them with treats !
It looks like all is well in the kitties' world!
I'm sure your cats will love their one-on-one time with Mr. G! Hope you have a great trip!
Hallo Gattina,
Arthur weiß, was gut ist. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Aufenthalt und viel Spaß.
Schöne Grüße, Johanna
I have to admit, that was rather impressive of Arthur to remove the aluminum foil to get to the cake.
Enjoy your trip!
Arthur is a classy kitty!! have a great time :)
We know Arthur will be very happy having Mr G cater to his every want while you are away!
Have a fun trip, Gattina!
Arthur, you´re a lord!
I have to say I enjoyed to see a such nice apple pie when Arthur was eating it!!!!!adios sweeties! Chance you had Arthur!
Oh Oh Arthur you got SO busted with the Apfel Strudel cake *mol*
Hope your mom have a great week at the Riviera !
We know that Mr. G will spoil the cats while you are away, Gattina.
Arthur, how did that apple strudel taste? :)
Arthur is naughty. Hope you enjoy the holiday. I am sure you will.. Hugs GJ x
I hope you shared the cake with the other cats Arthur.
LOL Arthur is such a naughty cat! I like how he pays his respects.
Oh my! Have you told Arthur that cats don't like Strudel? What a funny boy he is!
The others are looking great. Hope they don't bully Mr G too much,
Have a great holiday and see you when you get back.
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