It is well known that a cat sleeps a lot, but even a cat has enough when he can't go out for his little walk. Especially Arthur !

He was so happy when the snow had gone and the sun was shining a little, so he sat on his favorite place on the wall in front of the house, watching and hoping for people to go by and admire him ! He also waits to tease dogs, but besides some cars nobody showed up. What a disappointment. Even the mailwoman didn't stop and he couldn't walk her along to the other mail boxes.

Rosie not so keen to go out in the cold, used the 5 or 10 min sunshine to take a sunbath on my bed and did some spring cleaning of her fur.

And then it happened again ! It had snowed the whole night and Arthur, very disappointed looked out on this white boring stuff. However he quickly went outside and did his business, watching that nobody looked at him !

Pookie doesn't bother so much about the weather, she anyway prefers to stay inside ! For the moment she mostly sleeps on the sofa in the living room and watches through the window the birdies outside. Besides magpies which reminds her Rosie there is not much to see.

Our living room looks more and more like a dormitory and Arthur's favorite place is in front of the radiator with his nose nearly in it !

Rosie the only one who loves sleeping in a basket, keeps me company when I am at my computer. Since a few weeks she has started to "talk" a lot, especially when she had been on a little tour. She then comes back and makes loud singing purrs like a little bird (I know that birds don't purr, but it sounds like that) and then I have to pet her before she chooses a place to sleep. Unfortunately during the night she does that too and wakes me up of course. I hope it won't last for long.

Kim, still inside cat takes the bad weather with philosophy and spend her days between Mr. G's bed and the living room, where she overlooks us all !
Brrr, Arthur looks all cold. I hope your winter isn't too bad, Gattina. Hugs to the fluffies.
Poor Arthur - he can't wait for spring to really settle in!
I love Miss Rosie 's spot !
I think that's the BEST !
Not too cold and have a warm sunbeam...PURRFECT : )
Hahaha, Arthur's a nosey one and quite brave to handle snow! She's so lovable! Purrs!
Das ist ein toller Aussichtsplatz,lieber Arthur.
Meine 4 liegen immer im Wohnzimmer ,wenn die Nachmittagssonne kommt,sie räkeln sich wohlig und lassen sich`s
gut gehen.
Habt eine schöne Woche und seit lieb gegrüsst ,vom muffin
The cat dorm looks very cozy and comfy! Hope the snow goes away soon so Arthur can enjoy more outside time--he sure is a handsome boy! I would definitely stop by to visit him if I saw him out as I walked along.
You all seem to have your favourite snoozing places - Lucy is like you Arthur she likes to "go" outside!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
It's nice to see an update from everyone. The sun is trying to peek through the clouds here, too!
It is same here...sunshine...then tons of white stuff sun is trying to come through clouds again. I like sunshine the best, like you guys!! Take care, furiends.
It seems like the weather there is a bit crazy. Glad there was a bit of sunshine for Arthur to enjoy.
Hahaha! We had such a good laugh at that photo of Arthur *covering up*. He looks so worried. MOL.
We think Rosie is smart to soak up the sun puddles instead of going outside. :)
I've been sleeping a lot lately too.
Arthur is so handsome, and he knows it!
Arthur, you are certainly very brave! We don't like going outside when it is cold.
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