Since Lisa has to take her "happy pill" every day to feel better and also not to pee anymore everywhere, she has choosen a new napping place under Mr. Gattino's desk.

Of course Rosie has to check what she is doing there. Rosie doesn't dare to go near Lisa, because Lisa hisses, growls and slaps at her. She is an old lady and wants to be left in peace.

And this is the pill she has to take ! What a show every evening ! Mr. Gattino helds her in his arms, opens the mouth and puts the pill in. So far so good. She doesn't fight anymore or only occasionally she would put her claws in his hand, which makes him jump up, let Lisa fall on the ground and hop around like a young kangaroo while he pushes loud lamentations and swearings (in Italian of course). Lisa would run away and settle down in some discreet place, where she spits out the pill. Even when he keeps her mouth close and is convinced she got the pill, she fakes to have swallowed it and spits it out later ! A very clever cat ! We are exhausted !
I already had put up some Halloween decoration, which was then inspected by Rosie

She likes the big spider

Arthur as usual slept on my bed so I put some Halloween stuff around him with the intention to take a nice picture for a Halloween header. He didn't care, turned around and fell asleep !

Of course Rosie has to check what she is doing there. Rosie doesn't dare to go near Lisa, because Lisa hisses, growls and slaps at her. She is an old lady and wants to be left in peace.

And this is the pill she has to take ! What a show every evening ! Mr. Gattino helds her in his arms, opens the mouth and puts the pill in. So far so good. She doesn't fight anymore or only occasionally she would put her claws in his hand, which makes him jump up, let Lisa fall on the ground and hop around like a young kangaroo while he pushes loud lamentations and swearings (in Italian of course). Lisa would run away and settle down in some discreet place, where she spits out the pill. Even when he keeps her mouth close and is convinced she got the pill, she fakes to have swallowed it and spits it out later ! A very clever cat ! We are exhausted !
I already had put up some Halloween decoration, which was then inspected by Rosie

She likes the big spider

Arthur as usual slept on my bed so I put some Halloween stuff around him with the intention to take a nice picture for a Halloween header. He didn't care, turned around and fell asleep !
I hope you don't mind that I'm a COT Guest this Tuesday, with, I think, my very first cat post!!!
Maybe you should send in a video with the "pill-show" to win something....? *giggles*
Arthur, Arthur, the coolest cat. I'll never stop repeating that I love him.
Isn't it amazing how cunning kitties are when it comes to medicine time? Love the image of Mr G hopping about like a young kangeroo :-)
Rosie looks so cute with the decorations. How old is Liza now?
Hahaha! I love your description of Mr Gattino hopping around like a kangaroo and swearing... It's not much fun giving a cat a pill...I hope I never have to give Mitzi one! That would be a real challenge.
I need to borrow Arthur now that the neighbors are back and I am not longer catsitting!
Ah, we know that too with the pills. It is the same with Luzie and her worm pill. She hold it in her mouth I think for hours and than she spit it out outside. Some cats can drive one crazy.
Great Halloween decoration ! Very spooky!
Getting Pepper to take her deworming pills once a year is a total horror. She would try her best to struggle free and I normally end up with tons of scratches. She doesnt eat canned food so I cant hide the pills inside her food. Sigh.
Of course Arthur won't pose. He is in charge! LOL!
Poor you and Mr. Gattino. It's no fun to give a pill to a cat! And I love your Halloween decorations!
It looks like Lisa is enjoying her sleeping place. Glad she is doing better.
And Rosie and Arthur seem to enjoy the decorations, perhaps they know they are the real centerpieces ;)
Oh Gattina, Mocha is like Lisa! She is older compared to Quincy and wants to be left alone. What is the Happy Pill? Maybe Mocha needs it. :) Because of her urinary tract infection this weekend I spent the whole weekend cleaning pee off the bed and couch. :( Poor thing. She was very embarrassed of course. Rosie is so curious. :)
Tell me more about the need for taking a happy "Pill" everyday
A Happy Pill--I'd spit it out too! I understand why you're giving it to your dear one, but pills and happy don't go together. :-) Or maybe they do???? What about catnip?
That is clever to have learned to spit it out. I don't know if I would've figured that out unless I'd found the pill later in a corner or something. Bless her heart, you can only wish the old girl peace in her later years.
Lisa looks so quiet under Mr Gattino desk! Sometimes I winsh my mrs Mystic can stay quiet around my desk but always comes when she's hungry. She doesn't respect the hour of the lunch and always arrives after when I sit in front of my computer!!!! Halloween is in the air!
Would have said this is this first cat to take plii willingly. Lisa fooled us all
Oh my gosh - you are so totally ready for Halloween! The way I see it it's not going to happen at our place - the staff even forgot my Gotcha Day today! I might put a "Help Wanted " sign up....
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