Boooohoooohoooo, sob, sob, SHE is gone ! SHE left us !
Shut up Arthur ! SHE will be back in a week and meanwhile we will get a lot of treats and raw meat and ... and ... and...., you know that HE cannot say no ! HE will feed us the whole day ! You don't even have to say meow, just sit and look cute !
This probably will happen while I am sitting in a bus and travel through Greece !
Greece was so evident to me, that I had to look on the map to see it's exact location ! (I slept during Geography lessons)
I start in Athens and go up to the North and then down again to Athens. My trip looks approximately like above.
Of course I will miss my little darlings very much ! I will be back next Friday.
CATS ON TUESDAY is hosted on June 13 at Andrée (meeyaux) She is so kind and takes it over. Please go to her blog to start.
Your mommy is very nice~!
It's very good to explore all over the world~!!!!
I am very admiring her~!
Wish her have a great trip!
i'm sorry your mommy is gone but it sounds like the lap daddy is a weak vessel who will give you everything you want!
i hope your mommy has a wonderful trip! mommy did a report on Greece in college for her Int'l Management class. she thinks it would be a wonderful and beautiful place to vacation.
Oh wonderful
I hope you have a very happy trip to greece, Gattina~mommie.
Yes yes, daddy will give you plenty of attention so that you do not tell mom you were mistreated haha
Have fun
We hope your Mom has a great time in Greece. It looks like a very beautiful place.
It is good that your daddy will spoil you while she is gone.
First Egypt now Greece! Lucky, lucky you! And poor Mr Gattino who will be hounded by the cat gang :-)
Have a fabulous trip Gattina,
you deserve it! Hugs & Purrs!
You guys will be well cared for, I know whe wouldn't leave you any other way. How wonderful she gets to go to so many fantastic countries...she has really seen the world!
Oh, no! Well, at least your cat sitter sounds accomodating! Greece is on mom's 'want to see someday' list. We'll look forward to some wonderful photos whe Gattina gets back! Eat well, kitties!
Haha...Arthur, dun worry, your mummy will be back soon and when she does, I bet she'll give you lots of hugs and treats too!
Oh, wow! I hope you have a great time in Greece, Gattina. There are so many fabulous things to see. Don't worry, Arthur, she will be back soon and you know that Mr. Gattino will feed you lots and lots.
Oh my what a look on Arthur's face, LOL! Have a wonderful time, Gattina!
We hope your Mom has a great time in Greece.
Take care of Mister Gattino Arthur and Rosie.
Look at my new litlle sister
Hope your Mommy has a wonderful time in Greece!
oww...we're so sorry to miss Rossie's birthday, although it's late, Happy belated Birthday Rossie:) We miss you all very much....
hmm, your mommy seem to have a wonderful trip to Greece, wow, our mommy love to travel too, thx furr sharing the trip!
Hi folks, we’re back! Now it’s Wordless Wednesday: Our Furryhood Nice to see ya all again:) and how’re our cats’ power doing? Please share yours in here , we’d love to hear from you.
Have a great holiday Gattina and Arthur and Rosie, make the most of all the foods Mr Gattino will be giving you:) xxx
I hope your mommy is home all safe and sound. I can't wait to see her pictures! I think she is very lucky to go to Greece, but I'm sure you kitties miss her very much.
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