I am back from my roundtrip through Greece, which was very interesting, but of course "lucky" as I am, the Acropolis just got its spring cleaning !
When I arrived home, Arthur was sitting on our little wall and checked what was going on in the street. I said hello, but he didn't move and only "supported" my come back cuddle. He was far too busy to welcome me because our neighbours get their roof cleaned and there are workers and therefore a lot to do for Arthur !
Lisa was happy to see me and meauwed for food. I am sure she thought "now I have again two to feed me !" I noticed that her hair is growing more and more and the hairless spots are disappearing under new fur.
Pookie and Rosie were the most offended, they both run away when they saw me ! Only one hour later they showed up again, and looked at me only from far ! But when I opened my suitcase they became both very curious. After having checked the content,
Pookie installed herself on the suitcase and is sleeping on it since 2 days, therefore it is still in my room !
Rosie did the same but it wasn't comfortable enough for the little princess,

She preferred to sleep on my bed again, and showed her happiness about my return a little later. Now she is "normal" again and poses here with a little greek owl I have bought for Mr. Gattino.

And this morning what was laying on my sofa ???? Mr. Arthur in his usual sleeping pose !
Still not forgiven huh? You've got some tough cats there, laying down the law... or in Arthur's case, just laying down :-)
Rosie is getting more and more elegant and lady~!!!!
I can't believe my eyes she is so so tender and just simply beautiful~!!!!!
Welcome back Gattina!
Ha, that is catlike, that they ignore you at first when you are back from holidays.
Oh I´m glad to see Lisas fur growing again.
Gattin, ich hoffe, du hast dich gut erholt und geniesst nun den beginnenden Sommer in Belgien zusammen mit deinen Katzen.
Happy Tuesday!
I love coming home. I love the welcome they give me. Mine will be more attentive and will be needing more attention, which I just eat up. Now I'm wondering how you are going to get your suitcase back . . .
Welcome back! :) Rosie and Pookie, you look interested in the suitcase! Arthur, you look very cozy and comfy lying there!
Welcome back! That picture of Arthur sleeping is hilarious. :-)
I promised some pictures of the playing tent, so that's up now.
Welcome back! Our Mom just got back too!
We are glad Lisa's furs are growing back. Arthur, don't you look lovely in your sleeping pose?!
I hope you had a great trip!
I am glad Lisa's hair is growing
back, it is a good sign that she's
doing better. I loves Arthurs
couch stretch, tooo cute! Have
a great day Gattina!
Why do cats run away from their beloved slaves when they return from trips? Anela does the same thing. My theory: we are carrying strange, foreign energies in our energy body which they don't like!
It's nice to see things are back to normal, our feline friends are so forgiving of us! :)
I see everyone is quite busy ;-) Mr. Arthur looks too funny napping on the sofa! :-D
Its so good to hear that Lisa is getting better :)
I'll be going away for 2 weeks end of August, I wonder whether the Spice Cats will forgive me for being away for so long.
My mom would love to go to Greece one day. I bet all the kitties are happy to have you home.
Sometimes I just have to drop by to see how your cats are doing and this time it make me smile. Hope you had a great trip. could Pookie & Rosie could ignore you that way;) cats do have their own way to show how they miss their beloved humans....sitting & sleeping over suitcases a.k.a. conquer it so we cannot have another trip without them inside it, ahhahaha...LOL :))
my cats if they miss me whilw I'm going away, either they meaouww in front of my room, or waiting endlessly behind the fence;)
I'm glad that Lisa is doing fine, nice to see her furr growing again:)
and, I think, Artur is the Master of Sofa;)
I love Mr Arthur!! He reminds me of our Chi. Sadly we lost Chi to leukose some 8 years agoo.He also was such a wonderful cat. Did you not get the urgue to bring a cat home from Greece???
Hello Gattina We are the 27 May!
My COT is up now and I go to sleep! I hope tomorrow as I wake up at 6 and it is already 1:16 I will have the courage to send you a mail! Perhaps when I come back at home for the lunch!
Happy COT!
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