She is back ! Don't be too nice to her for the first day !
and that's what happened ! Besides Kim who probably didn't even realize that I was away, all the others looked at me, faked not to know me and then disappeared in different places !
I haven't seen many cats in the towns in Greece where we stopped but always on historical sides as here around the Zeus temple. The cats looked very good, well fed and were all very friendly. Apparently they are fed by the guardians and the tourists.
If you want to read a little more about my trip to Greece it is
Cats On A Treadmill - Watch more free videos
And this is something to laugh !
I am a Belgian catlover and breeder of Maine Coons! I am so happy that I found some cat blogs.
I think you have seen the good side of Greece.If you would read the horror story's of the Poezenboot you may think otherwise. Cats are still very poorly of in Greece.
I hope you will also visit my blog.
Haha! The wrath of the kitties! We sure like to let our humans know when we are displeased!
Sounds like you had fun! Glad you had a good trip.
Oah Gattina~!
Welcome back!!!!!!!
I am super busy recently but I always miss Arthur and Rosie~!!!
I am so glad to see the photo you shot at Greece!!! Looks wonderful!
Welcome back! I guess cats have to pretend they are offended when their humans are coming back from vacation. Chica & Pumuckl also always behave very unfriendly and hide themselves everywhere... until I get out the food from my luggage ;-)
Welcome back Gattina! The little ingrates! They could at least holler at you, but ignoring you? tsk tsk. I bet they didn't' ignore supper time! By the way, that video is hilarious. That one little calico kept hanging in there, the brown tabby figured it out: two feet on the floor, two on the treadmill. I laughed so much!
hi Gattina, nice to see you back:) wow, you have great time in Greece, and very lovely pictures, I love it seeing pictures from travelling, and like you did, everytime whereever I go, it's always amazed me to see cat;)
Thx for sharing the video makes me laugh so much...hmm, I wonder, what were they thinking trying that treadmill? an exercise to burn unnecessary fat because they're on tight diet and want to get skinnier? LOL, hehehe....
We run and hide whenever they get back from a trip. But nice Auntie B takes care of us.
The video was so funny!
Hallo Gattina, schön, dass ihr einen guten URlaub in Griechenland hattet. Stella ist auch nie glücklich, wenn sie in die Katzenpension muss, da sie doch eine Einzelgängerin ist. Deine Miezen werden schon wieder freundlich zu dir sein. Ich hatte leider nicht viel Zeit, um alle meine Lieblingsblogs zu lesen. LG Andrea und Stella
Well I'm glad to see you back, even if your cats are feigning disinterest! My cats don't give me the cold shoulder when I'm back - for which I'm very grateful :-) Great Greece pics.
That treadmill video is hilarious! I laughed so hard!
Welcome back from Greece!
Sorry I have been so absent from COT lately. Life has been very busy. I am back today though and will sign in when you get your post up.
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