I present you Max. He died in January 2004 and until now I wasn't able to write about him. But he still is part of my life and and now I am ready to present him !
My son choose Max in an animal shelter. His dog had died and he was so sad that we told him he may choose a cat by his own and he came back with little Max. This was in 1988. Max was a beautiful silver tabby which someone had thrown in a field and children had picked up the little kitten and brought it to the shelter.
Little kitten Max became a giant. He was really a very big cat. At his best times he weighed around 10 to 12 kg (26 lbs)but he was not fat he had strong big bones. He was the biggest cat in the whole neighborhood. When Max jumped on your knees I can tell you you felt it ! And on your belly you then saw stars !
Max was and is the bravest cat I have ever seen. When he was older he behaved like a good old family father and took care of his little family. He raised Lisa and Arthur. He never faught with any cat, and was really that what I would call a cosy, friendly, affectionate cat.
Max took everything with phlegm. Cats, dogs, people, children nothing bothered him. When Lisa arrived as a very tiny kitten, he took her to his basket and put her against his strong torse or soft belly and warmed her up. He washed her carefully from top to bottom and Lisa took him for her mother ! She followed him everywhere and it was so cute to see the big cat with that tiny little thing. He even teached her how to wee and Lisa since today still does it the male way !
He did the same with baby Arthur, he really was a very motherly cat. Max died then after 17 years of life together and the whole family was very sad. We burried him under our willow tree in the grave where all our animals are resting. The cats honor this place every day to do what they have to do because the earth is soft and honestly for cat's eyes it could be a big litter box especially with the little fence around.
The animal family grave
Big Max
I don't have a lot of pictures of when he was a young boy because at that time there were no digital camera yet and I hated to do pictures with the old system.
Max playing with water

Daddy Max and baby Lisa
Lisa misses him very much since he is not with us anymore and has become quite a loner.
One of the last pictures. His head still looks fine but you can see his age at his body. We had to put him asleep because he started to have a lot of troubles because of his age and we didn't want to let him suffer.

My cat family before the arrival of Kim and Pookie
Now I am not sad anymore, he stays in our heart anyway and we have such a lot of nice souvenirs of him.