

In July I spent a week with my friend Anne and her husband at Eastbourne at the English coast. She always had cats, even up to 10 and Kim our cat came from one of Anne's breeds. But now they only have four and when I stayed with them I really felt home ! I had Sophie who slept with me in my bed and adopted and cared for me during my whole stay !

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Sophie, keeping me company in the garden. She really has a beautiful pattern.

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and that evening I had packed my suitcase to leave the next day, she slept in there and didn't want to go out ! She wanted me to stay !

Here is Smudge a very old cat around 20 I think and I called him the doormat.

He was a very dangerous cat ! He always slept on one door sill and didn't move at all when you had to go in or out the room ! He didn't even open an eye ! You had to climb over him. He slept. During night you had to be very careful not to step on him and you had to stalk like a stork ! Otherwise you risked to break your neck !

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Besides sleeping the whole day, he only interrupted this activity for eating. As he had become quite skinny with his high age, Anne always put a whole selection of his favourite food on the kitchen floor and watched anxiously that he would eat something.

So here you see Smudge still half asleep asking himself "to eat or not to eat" ?

This scale I found somewhere I don't remember, but thought it would be interesting for all cat owners (or owned by cat people).

Smudge approaches his 100 birthday !! Sophie is in her 80 and my Lisa 88 ! Only Arthur is a man in his best age, around 35 !

Cat's Age: .............................Human's Age:
6 months.......................................10 years
8 months.......................................13 years
10 months......................................14 years
1 year..........................................15 years
18 months......................................20 years
2 years.........................................24 years
4 years.........................................32 years
6 years.........................................40 years
8 years.........................................48 years
10 years........................................56 years
12 years........................................64 years
14 years........................................72 years
16 years........................................80 years
18 years........................................88 years
20 years........................................96 years
21 years.......................................100 years

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Talibans don't like at all when you take their wives for a letter box !

The man who invented this cat is Philippe Geluck, a very famous belgian cartoon designer ! I even found him with Google. He has a lot of humor and often treats problems or happenings with designs of "Le Chat" which means "The Cat".


TorAa said...

Great post here, again.

1) Sophie did not want you to stay. She was ready packed to go with you:))

2) Smudge does exactly what a cat has to do: Sleep and eat and control the two legs (Don't steal from the fridge during nights)

3) Cat-ages; very interesting. We read years ago, the best age for a cat to have kitten is between 3 and 4 manyears.:))

4) That cartoon is hillarious. I'll tell Anna, the teacher, if some students pops in dressed like that, just send a mail...

Have a catty week. Don't forget the birdsong.

PS. We are now in the Year of the Pig. Rosa and Felicia don't care.

Luna und Luzie said...

Du sprichst tatsächlich deutsch !
Ja die andere Luna kenne ich auch. Das kann schon zu Verwechslungen kommen. In ihrer Linkliste bin ich Luna Allemagne.
Das ist ja interessant mit dem Alter der Katze Meine sind danach 15, 20 und 24 Jahre alt. Meine frühere Katze wurde danach fast 72 dann wurde sie überfahren :-(
Ich werde es versuchen bei Cats Tuesday mitzumachen. Hoffe ich krieg das hin. Danke für die Einladung !

Jodi said...

Very interesting about the cats ages. I thought they were along the lines of dog years.

Just wanted to let you know I won't be participating in Cats on Tues. tomorrow. I am taking this week off from bloggin. I will be back next week.

FelineFrisky said...

Love the age chart! My vet had one for a short time. They measured cats vs dogs in aging. It was really fascinating!

See you Tuesday! D :)