This is Yanouk, Arthurs big friend (big in all senses) The poor boy had been castrated because he had a big tumor at his family jewlery. His owner put him a T-shirt on, because he tried to scratch himself and take the bandage off. We find him very cute dressed up like this (he less).
Arthur of course had also to have a look on him. So for once he made an exception and went out with me. He went to the fence and sniffed at his friend. Yanouks paws are almost as big as Arthurs head ! But when I went in again, Arthur followed me immediately, even with his big friend he doesn't dare to stay out. He still is an inside cat.
I don't blame Arthur for wanting to be an indoor cat - it's safer that way!
Poor woofie with a tumour, but it's a good thing that he had an operation - that way he'll live longer and won't father any unwanted woofies.
I bet that grass on his belly felt good just for an instant...then it wasn't worth it. My boy loves being out when the weather is nice but my girl kitty hates being made to go outside and play! (unless she is bird watching, that she seems content with for about 1/2 hour, then she wants back in)
Oh, Arthur looks so handsome with all of his whiteness in the green grass! We enjoyed visiting your blog today!
China Cat & Willow
What a great photo of Arthur. Poor dog, though. Oh well, better to be without the family jewells, than no longer living. Hopefully he will be 100% in no time.
Have a great weekend.
Take care, Meow
Hi Arthur,s Friend!
Better the t-shirt than the collar of shame- the big clorox bottle looking thing tied around the neck. I agree that yanouk will be better off without the jewels and unwanted puppies he'd likely father. Pets are calmer once their "manhood" is removed. Sorry Arthur still wants to stay inside, but at least he'll go outside with you and Mr. Gattino. We're fine here, it's snowing and Benjamin keeps going in and out the pet door and getting covered with snow so I'll dry him off with a towel. He very much enjoys being rubbed dry with a towel.
very nice story with a good ending.
Arthur would prefer to be an indoor cat then, That is good. He will live a long time
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