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This morning when I came into the kitchen, I found this strange frog stick besides the empty bowls. I had never seen it and wondered where it came from. Of course one of these little darlings must have brought it in, but who ????

Please help me to find out !

Who is the culprit and brought the frogstick in ?
Who is the culprit and brought the frogstick in ?
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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Kim doesn't need any Halloween decoration, as she is always in a Halloween costum. Besides the fact that she would run away like a flash, if ever I dared to put something around her.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics This is Kim's actual employer, not for long

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


MaR said...

Happy Halloween to you too! what a pretty Halloween post, loved it! your poll is much better than mine with pics and all. Only, I couldn't get through, I will try a bit later because I am certain I have the right answer to your question, lol!
Pretty cats!

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful cats! I love cats. I posted mine on a page of their own on my journal blog. Check it out sometime if you feel inclined!

All About Cats

Anonymous said...

Well, it wouldn't accept my vote...I voted that Lisa brought the little frog to you.

Also, wanted to tell you I just went over and viewed your travel photos. I especially liked the visit with the REAL St. Nick!!

Happy day Gattina.

Anonymous said...

They all look guilty. ;) Or is that innocent? *Grin* Cats always manage to have that look on their face that says "I didn't do anything". LOL! :)