Hurry up ! I smell chicken !
Nooooo leave me alone ! It's too hot for selfies !
It's hot ! unusually hot, sometimes over 34° (100 something F) We, Mr. G, and I are melting, the cats not so much they love heat apparently. Especially Arthur who lays in the sunshine in this high temperatures.

His ears got a sunburn, I wanted to put sun lotion on them, but there is nothing to do, even when I leave the tube in the kitchen and put the creme on my finger behind my back, he smells it or knows already what I want to do and then runs away !! The same with his eyes which I should clean each day with a special lotion, sometimes I can do it when he sleeps on my lap, but now when it is so warm he doesn't sleep on my lap anymore he sleeps outside somewhere.
It's really terrible, and the vet can't do anything. Arthur is too old for an anaesthesia.
He loves to lay on the warm bark in the sunshine
In the last month he has become old. He is now a bit bony and becomes skinny although he eats like a horse. He can't jump as high as he used to do and also his hearing becomes bad.
Fortunately he hasn't changed his lifestyle, only he slowed a bit down. He always greets people who ring at our door and sits with us when we have guests. He still loves company.
I hope it will last for another 2 years and he reaches the 20th birthday too.
Rosie is now the young girl in this household, she prefers to stay in the shade and not in the sun, she is less social then Arthur and hides when somebody comes. She only shows up after a while when she knows the persons.
Unfortunately for ol' Arthur, she still wants to play with him, especially since Kim is gone and chases him around.
For years she had the same collar and today I saw her without. Must have lost it. Fortunately I have a spare one always available, I just have to put our telephone nr on it.
Now in this heat she wanders from one shady place to another and is not very hungry, but honestly I am not hungry either !