Not available for selfies !
I just woke up ! and you came with this thing !
You pursue me even in the grass ! That's selfie harassment !
Oh no ! You ! OK I give up !
The cats are happy, the weather is warm and they can sleep outside or explore the neighborhood. Usually late afternoon they are running inside because of thunderstorms !

Arthur not stupid, had made himself a very nice warm bed in the bark. He had worked hard on it, pushed the bark aside to leave the black plastic cover free and then he sleeps on it because he finds it so comfy. I was a bit surprise to find such a hole in the bark, but then the penny dropped !
He also has discovered that the metal plate covering the access to the canalisation is warmer than the tiles ! There he spends the day meditating.
But when there is a noise in the kitchen he is ready to run inside and see if there is nothing special to eat !

Rosie is happy too and rolls around with pleasure

or she keeps company to her fellow cat statue observing what is going on.
I saw her here sitting in the bark and suddenly she was in the middle of the lawn with a fat mouse in her mouth ! She dropped it and as it wasn't moving anymore she returned to her napping place and I had to take a paper collect the corpse throw it in the field behind only to notice a little later that Arthur had brought it back !
Grandma Kim thinks she has to watch over the garden shed, and even when the grass is still a little wet she sleeps there.
Her fur is getting a bit brown and she looks like a mop, next week I take her to the groomer !

and when the thunderstorm arrives, she sleeps where Mr. G. uses to sit to watch TV.

Your mommy is very purrsistent in taking your selfies!
Emma and Buster
MOL, you couldn't get rid of that dead mouse, could you?
Arthur is one clever cat! Purrs!
Hmm, that could have been another mouse Arthur had MOL OK they are gorgeous selfies, and we love Kim's the best this week as who doesnt like a warm spot beside the potting shed, and then move on to a warm spot by the TV...
Toodle pips and purrs
Great selfies from all. I like that Rosie is friends with the statue. :)
Arthur is very smart at finding the warmest spots. Lovely selfies from all of you.
Your cats all look great, Gattina. Kim cracked us up the most this week with her comment about "selfie harassment." Ha ha!
How lovely to see your selfies this week. You all look wonderful and seeing you in the garden has been such a tonic (we lost a Twitter human buddy and I was feeling very down ).
Great selfies!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
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