No, I am not in a bad mood, I just was thinking where to sleep next ....

Hello ! How are you ? I am fine, the sun is shining !
It's your fault if you don't turn around the phone !!
I was away for 3 days at the Belgian coast, but apparently my dear kitties didn't suffer at all from my absence !
As the weather was nice at home too, they enjoyed mostly the garden.

Rosie enjoys rolling around on the warm tiles, and chasing flies. I don't know why, but I haven't seen one single butterfly yet, maybe it's still too cold for them. Usually she loves to run and jump around after butterflies.

Unfortunately she still likes to sharpen her claws on the carpet, when she is fed up of the tree outside !

Kim too enjoys the warm tiles to warm up her old bones, but in the afternoons she is always inside laying on the sofa and waiting that Mr. G. comes and sit down. She now has a life like a train schedule ! I know exactly when she is where, depending of course on the weather.

Arthur now sits outside on the window shield while I am working on my computer. I don't like that at all, I always fear he will fall down one floor. But he doesn't care about my worries and loves his observation place. Nothing escapes him apparently cross eyed !
Each evening after supper he sits outside the huge window and watches us through the glass. I just caught him when he was yawning, watching people who watch TV is not so exciting. And his servants don't even watch football (soccer) the world cup where Belgium participates, which is very disappointing for him as he loves all ball games on TV and looks after the balls under the TV table !

Fortunately she hasn't tried to dress us as "Diable rouges" (Red Devils) the Belgian football team !
PS. FOR THOSE WHO DON'T GET COMMENTS IN THEIR EMAILS Andrew from Highriser has found the solution and it works !!
Open you blog dashboard, that is where the compose button sits and all those buttons are on the left, along with the list of your posts, published and drafts. Go down to Settings and click, then Email. If you were receiving emails of blog comments, your email address will be there in the box next to 'Comment notification email'. Delete your email address within the the box and at the top right, click 'Save Settings'. It has been suggested that you should close down and restart your computer. Do so if you wish.
Then, go back to where you were at, Settings/Email and add your email address to the box 'Comment Notification Email' and again click Save Settings.You will receive an email and within the email there are two options. Select 'Subscribe'. Voila, you will now receive an email when someone comments on your blog. It may take a little time to start working though.
In my case it worked immediately !
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