



The rainy spring season ended with ONE day of sunshine !

Which Arthur used for sunbathing or just walking around and visit the neighbors. He especially loves to go into Dominique's garden and sit in front of the French window to watch the little canary in his cage.
He also has a few scratches on his nose, which means that he had a "Waterloo battle" with a neighbor cat. There is only one he really dislikes and they fight and scream together that everybody looks out of the window !

Rosie too enjoyed the warmth of the sunshine and kept me company while I was blogging on the terrace.

But ever since we had rain, the summer started with almost winter temperatures, and if it continues to rain like this, my cats will soon have flippers instead of paws.

To fight against the virus I have in the bronchia, I have to inhale with a mask on my face and a pump which makes some noise ! My poor cats were terrified when they heard this for the first time, that they all ran away and Kim hid under Mr. G's bed. I don't feel sick, but I have to do this 3 times a day for half an hour which I don't like at all. Meanwhile my little cat family got used to the noise and now they are sitting on the rug and watch me ! Although I called them, nobody so far had the courage to jump on my bed !



Day in day out I get the feeling to live amongst sedated cats ! They sleep all day and it's supposed to be spring and not winter !

This picture was taken at the beginning of last week

and this one this morning. In fact I could use the same pictures the whole year long, I only have to pay attention to the bedlinen which has to be different at least from time to time otherwise you could think I never change the bed !

Rosie has her routine. As soon as the shutters go up, she is on her tower to check on weather and street.
Mostly the weather is not very inspiring to go out.

So she decides to spend the day laying in her basket when I am on my computer. Which is mostly the case in the morning.

The only one who moves a bit is Arthur. Here he is resting on the roof of my car after having done some paw painting on the roof, the front and back of the car. I must admit he is a very talented artist when he has muddy paws !

He really becomes very alert when he hears dishes moving, then he would come wherever he had been and try to jump into Mr. G's plate. Mr. G. pushed him down and gave some pieces of  his hamburger to Arthur. Of course Arthur doesn't eat on the paper, which is not posh enough for him, he chooses the rug !
When there is nothing eatable around anymore he checks for a last time before he clears his whiskers with satisfaction. And I can clean the rug ! Without Arthur I would be unemployed !




This is the face of the most dangerous criminal of all times ! If Arthur had been a human in his former life (if ever that exists  !) He would have a criminal report file thick as the bible ! As a serial killer (birds), a burglar, a thief, a stalker, a robber, a vandal, he is provocative, does nocturnal disturbances, and he would be accused for aggravated battery and grievious bodily harm resulting in death (mousies). What would be the verdict ?? Fortunately Arthur is only a cat and therefore forgivable !

One morning I found our living room in this state ! Arthur had taken out of a basket the biscuits which were wrapped in paper, had opened them, broke an onyx bowl which dropped on the tiles, throw our TV instructions on the floor and left half eaten cookies and crumbs on the carpet ! He loves chocolate ! I especially always buy wrapped cookies because I know that he is a terrible thief, but apparently now he has found out how to unwrap them ! Useless to say that I was quiet happy.

While watching the news on TV we heard some strange noises in the kitchen and saw Arthur on the kitchen cabinet eating treats. He had taken the closed bag, pulled it in the sink and with one paw holding it he opened the bag with his sharp teeth ! I consider to go to a circus with him.

What would life be without Arthur ? Having a criminal cat in your household keeps you entertained !

Rosie has forgotten to tidy up her mousies and doesn't put them around or in the bowls during night anymore, but she takes care of her health and eats her daily salad portion.

then she takes a beauty rest, before she goes out for a little night walk. Probably the mousies don't like her new hairdo, because so far she hasn't brought one in. Dead or alive !

It looks as if Pookie and Kim have signed a marathon sleeping contract, because that's what they are doing the whole day and night, only interrupted by an empty stomach.






When I came back from my tour around the UK, my cats didn't seem to have suffered at all during my absence ! I even wonder if they noticed it. Maybe Rosie.

Anyway, Arthur greeted me already at the car and showed me the way to the kitchen in case I had forgotten it.

He wasn't very happy that he had to share the sofa with me again and from a slim cat became big and bigger so that I had to move ! Finally we found an arrangement and could watch TV together.

When the sun came out he shared the bark with Kim. Apparently it's nice and warm, although I could imagine a more comfortable place then sleeping on bark.

As usual Arthur is a very helpful cat and while I was busy watching TV he mowed the lawn. At least he kept an eye on the robot. Satisfied with the result he returned home to check if there was something to eat in the bowls.

Pookie continues to sleep on Mr. G's bed and only checked my suitcase when I was unpacking.

But Rosie seemed to have missed me, because now she behaves like a chewing gum. She always sticks on me and my bed too shrinks !

In April Barbara from Words, Words, Words. wrote about a ginger cat who lives opposite Shakespeare's home. As we visited Stratford on Avon, I told the whole bus, that I wanted to look for this cat. As soon as we had free time, I started my investigations. After having asked in a first souvenir shop I was told the cat would live a little further in a souvenir shop. When I asked in the second shop the owner smiled, told me the cat's name was Angus and that he always walks up and down the street, and that he thinks that Angus belonged to another shop a little further down the road. I continued asking for the cat in the other souvenir shops too, but besides cute stories about Angus, I didn't see him.

All  the people in this street knew Angus and apparently he goes into all shops and in winter sleeps in the once where the radiator is the warmest. They all will probably remember a crazy lady coming from Belgium to look for a cat and not for Shakespeare's traces ! Very intellectual indeed.

These are pictures from Barbara's blog, and it is such a pity that Angus didn't show up ! That would have been so funny.

and the same street when I was there last week. As it was a bank holiday in the UK, there were so many people coming for Shakespeare and not for Angus the cat, I must have been the only one.

When I got back into the bus, I was greeted with big smiles, they asked me if my researches had been successful, but unfortunately nobody had seen Angus. I am sure he was sleeping somewhere waiting that this bank holiday finishes and the tourists disappear and he would have the street for his own again !