Day in day out I get the feeling to live amongst sedated cats ! They sleep all day and it's supposed to be spring and not winter !

This picture was taken at the beginning of last week

and this one this morning. In fact I could use the same pictures the whole year long, I only have to pay attention to the bedlinen which has to be different at least from time to time otherwise you could think I never change the bed !

Rosie has her routine. As soon as the shutters go up, she is on her tower to check on weather and street.
Mostly the weather is not very inspiring to go out.

So she decides to spend the day laying in her basket when I am on my computer. Which is mostly the case in the morning.

The only one who moves a bit is Arthur. Here he is resting on the roof of my car after having done some paw painting on the roof, the front and back of the car. I must admit he is a very talented artist when he has muddy paws !

He really becomes very alert when he hears dishes moving, then he would come wherever he had been and try to jump into Mr. G's plate. Mr. G. pushed him down and gave some pieces of his hamburger to Arthur. Of course Arthur doesn't eat on the paper, which is not posh enough for him, he chooses the rug !
When there is nothing eatable around anymore he checks for a last time before he clears his whiskers with satisfaction. And I can clean the rug ! Without Arthur I would be unemployed !
I am glad at least Arthur is keeping you busy!
Three cats on the bed all at once - unheard of in our house! There was a very good programme on here last week all about cats and quite a few owners said how their cats ruled the house and got their own way. Glad it's not just us :O))) This should be the link to it
Mmm, is Arthur a little piggy in cat fur?
Nice to see Kim hanging out in the house so often. :)
Rosie is so good to sleep on HER bed and not on your keyboard. LOL.
Arthur there's no need for washing up to be done when you clean up those plates so well!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I see in the first photo that Pookie has the most favoured spot. The one at the top of the bed with back against the pillows I admit it is difficult to put clean sheets on the bed when there is always a cat or two sleeping there.
Good for Arthur, keeping you employed! He is a philanthropist for sure!
I need to take a nap too!! I´m vey tired!
The cats do look quite relaxed sleeping on the bed. But glad that Arthur and Rosie still have their routines.
Lol Arthur is such a character and does keep you on your toes. I love the reflection picture on the car. Hugs GJ x
Good for Arthur and Rosie having those routines. Of course, Kim and Pookie have a routine, too (sleeping all day). :)
Paw Art! We love to decorate the stove and work-top.
Die sehen wirklich so entspannt aus,
Der Fensterplatz ist bestimmt heiß begehrt ;0).
Liebe Grüße,Ulli
Oooh, we love your neat workstation. Ours is such a mess!
We're the same but because it's hot and we've got HUGE air pollution problems. We'd love some nice cool air... Any space on that bed?
Oh but we furries love to snuggle and sleep lots, Gattina!
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