One day this week I came back from a walk on a muddy field. Photo hunting can be dirty sometimes. When I had taken off my jeans, I saw Rosie sniffing at them reluctantly, but then got closer

wondered what the smell was and suddenly attacked my Jeans ! I wondered too why she was so angry, and then thought, she must smell the cows which had been once on this field and that of course was an unknown dangerous smell ! Imagine little Rosie besides a cow !

Since a couple of weeks now, each morning I find one or two mousies in the water bowl. Pookie got used to it, but Arthur doesn't like mousies in his water and stays away until I have taken them out. Rosie is really a caring cat to give their mousies a bath every day !

Pookie loves to pose for a photo ! When she sees me with my camera she rolls around and purrs !! She isn't bothered at all, no, she feels flattered !

Kim and Rosie for the moment sleep on Mr. G.'s bed, which makes him happy because he has a good excuse not to make it ! "I can't disturb the cats" he says !
Arthur too has found a "new" sleeping place. A long time he hadn't slept on my bed.

He first considers the situation (should I jump or not), checks if their is no danger under the cover, and then only settles down for his day nap !

He also spends the nights with me. For the moment I watch a little movie "Hetty Wainthrop investigates" before I read my book and then switch of the light. The first evening he was thinking seriously if he would stay or not, but then decided that there was nothing to disturb his sleep and settled down.

He is the only one Rosie allows on my bed ! And this is my view each night before I switch off the light.
Please don't forget to visit each other !