For my cats Christmas are horror days ! Their worst enemy arrived in form of 3 year old grandson Toby.

Pookie and Kim spent their days on Mr. G's bed

Rosie on mine, and they only sneaked out when it was absolutely necessary !
For Arthur however, Christmas was fun ! With his 12 years he suddenly transformed into a kitten and spent two very nice and very busy days. Not only he enjoyed the salmon and the guinea hen, but also his little friend Toby.

He loved all the new toys, ran behind little cars, played with the crane and anyway was always between our feet.

Arthur loves Toby, he is such a kind little boy, he doesn't pull his tail or runs behind him, he just talks to him and pets his head.

Even in the afternoon, when other kids arrived, Arthur was there observing what they were doing.

But then in the evening, after all the treats Mr. G. had smuggled into the kitchen because he (Mr. G.) was not allowed to give Arthur anything at table to avoid that he would jump into the guinea hen, Arthur was so tired that he didn't even protest when I put a mouse on his head for a picture !
He really is a special case because it's quiet seldom that a cat loves little kids !