Now I am back since a week and the old routine life has begun again. As soon as I was home, Mr. G. gave up his job as cat sitter and returned to his routine, which means only spoiling the cats. Cleaning litter boxes etc, was handed over to me.

Since a couple of months, Pookie eats can food, but only in the morning as breakfast, she wouldn't touch it during the day or night, there she sticks to her dry food. So each morning I serve breakfast. Two different sorts of course, one for Pookie one for Arthur, eating here in harmony each morning.

Kim, the autistic cat doesn't like to eat with the others, so she hid behind the kitchen door and although I had put her food just near her, she wouldn't touch it until there is nobody in the kitchen anymore ! But now at least she stays inside, sleeping on the sofa, or in Mr. G.'s bed, but always keeping apart.
On Sunday we finally put up our Christmas tree and I decorated the living room.

The only helper we had, as you can see, was Arthur. He loves to watch working people. He was slightly interested in a Father Christmas and put a protective paw on him. But that was it. He just checked out an empty carton, turned around three times, decided that it was not comfy and disappeared I don't know where.

Rosie watched us for a while juggling with angels, balls, garlands, etc, but didn't move a bit. When she realized that no mousie angels were hanging on the tree, she lost all interest.
My cats are not interested in Christmas decoration, it will surely change when it comes to Christmas food !

After having spent from 11 am to 5 pm with decorating, I was exhausted and Arthur too !
Please don't for get to visit each other !
Welcome back! Love Pookie and Arthur's mat, and Kim's international cat of mystery act :O) My favourite pic is the one of Arthur sprawled on his back - LOL!
Welcome back! Looks like everyone enjoyed the decorating! And the cuddling afterward!
Arthur exhausted from doing all the snoopervising work! :) Purrs!
Arthur is so cute laying on his back next to you!
Decorating IS exhausting work, especially when you are snoopervising!
Arthur worked really hard supervising the decorations! I hope you gave him special treats for all his work!
I understand that Arthur got exhausted after all that snoopervising :)
Arthur looks worn out - it must be all that snoopervising!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Welcome back! Snoopervising. Ha!
Arthur is a good supervisor - also like the contrasting pictures of Arthur and Pookie.
LOL! We don't decorate or celebrate but as you say, the second we put out some nice food for visitors, there will be three tails saying, "Ours!"
Nice to see you back and setting up for the holidays. Meow from all of us!
Arthur is a beautiful decoration. No wonder you're exhausted, that is a long time for decorating!
We are glad to hear everyone has gotten back into the routine of things (though I am sure you would love if Mr. G. still helped vlean the litter boxes, LOL).
We LOVE those pictures of you and Arthur together. So precious!
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