I am still in Tunesia and suppose that at home it looks like this :

Lazy Arthur with a belly full of treats and junk thanks to Mr. G.

Rosie bored and wondering while she still has my bed for her alone

Pookie taking a sunbath (if it doesn't rain) laying besides Mr. G. on the sofa !
Tomorrow I will fly back.
Looks like the cats are on holiday at home when you go on your holiday! LOL!
Look at those sloths! They're obviously slacking without you there to supervise them. Hope you've had a great holiday.
Hm. Do they even notice much that you are not there?
May the sun always shine for you Pookie. Rosie soon you will have share the bed again, you will have to move over or be crowded out.
Arthur, your treats might be monitored, enjoy them while you can.
Rosie does indeed look bored. Love Arthur's white tummy as always
We bet you will either get plenty of whiskery kisses when you arrive home or be totally ignored!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Looks like a nice relaxing time at home. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Seems the situation is pretty well normal at home!! I hope you are enjoying your trip :)
Haha...we can't help but wonder what Mr G is doing while you are away on vacation... :D
Hallo Gattina,
ich glaube nicht, dass alle sooo entspannt sind ohne dich. Die werden dich schon vermissen. Und du verwöhnst inzwischen die tunesischen Straßenkatzen?
lg Johanna
The excitement is unbearable, ha ha ha!
They are definitely lazily enjoying themselves! Hope the rest of your trip is great!
Purrfect way to spend the time waiting for your return !
And no doubt Kim is outside somewhere, right? We bet they will all be happy to see you when you get home, Gattina. I hope you had a nice trip!
The kittehs are waiting for you!
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