For once when I worked in the garden, it wasn't Arthur who kept me company or tried to help me, but it was Rosie.

Fortunately she doesn't help like Arthur, who digs out the plants you have freshly put in place. She is more supervisor and apparently the earth she sniffed didn't smell good enough.
She didn't like to go on the grass either, maybe because of my red boots.

But then she saw Pookie who played doorman at the kitchen door, and before they both started to hiss, Pookie went away and waited until Rosie was gone.
For a while she hesitated, inside or outside, and decided that she had enough of fresh air.
She warmed up her belly and had found a new cushion for her head.

Then she choose the armchair and fell asleep.
Kim (under the bushes) was so happy that the ivy who had invaded the bushes was gone and she could lay down on the warm earth, just besides our little cimetary.
Pookie choose to make Mr. G.'s bed, before she lay down.

and Arthur's new quirk is sitting in the kitchen and sing without any reason. He always hopes that somebody shows up with new food ! As he has such an awful voice, we are both running to see what he wants and when we serve him some food so he would just shut up, he turns around and goes away.
We are the poor victims of a cat terrorist !
Please don't forget to leave your link if you participate in Cats on Tuesday. I noticed that quiet a lot of you just don't do it, but it is easier for the other participants to find you. Please also check that your blog is accessible for everybody. Some still have a private blog and probably wonder why nobody comments !
good job helping in the garden rosie.
emma and buster
Your cats do have a hard life helping with all that gardening. I think Arthur wants to test that you are properly trained and will run when he calls.
Wise choice to get back inside for a snooze, Rosie. ;)
Rosie, we would rather sleep in sun than help in garden, too! MOL! Arthur you so funny! Singing to make your humans come running! This was very nice story.
Buster, Rudy and Sam
sie sind wirklich alle sehr speziell, deine Katzenfreunde. Es ist immer nett, zu sehen, was sie treiben.
Liebe Grüße, Johanna
A little different seeing Rosie so involved in the garden. The picture resting on the white cat figurine is very cute.
Rosie, you did a great job in the garden ... supervising is better than getting your paws dirty! MOL
It's always nice to see Kim (even briefly), and Pookie is looking very relaxed on Mr. G's bed.
Arthur, you always make us laugh! Singing is a good way to fool your humans ... Sammy does the same thing here. :)
Wow! This garden is so beautiful.... ConCats!
Great photos!
As usual my mom is really tired !
So she will be back later today and leave a proper comment !
Night Night :)
Tonight my mom is not tired :)
We can see that you seem to have much better weather in Belgium than we have in Sweden.
Today have the rain pored down most of the day and it has just been +8 Celsius :(
Nice to see that Rosie have snoopervised your work in the garden :)
Pookie and Rosie you two shouldn´t hiss at each other !
Sounds nice to put your belly in the warm eatrh , Kim !
Arthur , I think your doing a good job keeping your humans busy *MOL*
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