Last year on Easter we were almost melting because it was so warm, this year we were freezing and my cats "celebrated" Easter alone at home while my neighbor took good care of them. We went to Amsterdam, where at least on Easter Sunday the sun came out a bit.

Nobody was interested while I did the Easter decoration to take with us. All four snobbed the fake green grass, the yellow feathers and little fluffy chicks, and the plastic easter eggs were also not of any interest to them, not to speak about Easter bunnies.
Pookie as usual did her jogging from sofa to bed and the other way around to sleep and wonders why her belly
becomes round and rounder ! I now bought food for inside cats, although she can go outside, but she is so lazy.
Arthur thought that while it's cold and wet outside he should do some spring cleaning and entertain his white fur for eventual meetings with neighbor cat girls.
Otherwise he

Pookie inspected the new scarfs I had bought and found them very comfy to sleep on them.
And then she told all of us what she thinks of Easter !
Happy belated Easter kitties.
emma and buster
What? Did you not bring home any Easter treats for the kitties? Chicken? Salmon? I would be very put out if I were them.
Oooo, that's one incredible yawn, Rosie, Happy Easter and holiday. Wish we have good trusting neighbours like yours.
My mom is going to be late for her work AGAIN !
So we will be back tonight and leave a proper comment :)
We felt the same way about Easter! Didn't even get any decent treats and the human was gone most of the day--hmph!
Well at least we know how Pookie feels about Easter!
hehe! I think we can see her tonsils!!!
; )
We held on tight when we saw that yawn - we thought you might try to swallow us whole Pookie.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
sweet little tiger on the last pic :) all beautiful!
Sounds like it nice to get away for the Easter weekend, and the cats did fine.
I love the picture of Arthur on the desk. He has that "pay attention to me" look :)
I love the last photo!!!
My neighbour's cats have spent Easter time having sex and more sex. I almost couldn't sleep, but they are entitled to have fun too :P
I'm sure Toby loved all your Easter decorations even if the cats found them boring. I hope you left your pretty new scarves behind when you went to Amsterdam, for Rosie to sleep on.
OH MY GOSH. You really don't think much of Easter, do you, Rosie?
We sure hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We're not sure about Pookie and Kim, but we bet Arthur and Rosie would be quite interested in the plastic eggs if you filled them with mousies (for Rosie) and mortadella (for Arthur). :)
Woof Pookie!
I totally agree!
MOL, how funny! Like that purple scarf; very pretty. And so jealous that you went to Amsterdam. I really miss spring and spring flowers.
all so beautiful!!! such sweet Paws in the first pic, Squeeeeee. and love the Roar in the last photo..... all the kitties are very very adorable . great pics of everyones!
This easter was very cold in Sweden too :(
Mom say´s she was glad she worked most of it :)
Hope your mom and dad had a great easter in Amsterdam !
I can´t beleive that you wasn´t interested in the easter decorations ??
Me I should have chewed on al the feathers and bunnykicked the easterbunny ;-)
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