


No, you are not on the wrong blog, I only have other cats, holiday cats ! I am with my friends Anne and Doug in Eastbourne at the English coast and they still have three cats. When I first met them in London she had 6 ! Since they moved to Eastbourne in 2007, they still had four. Sadly one, Smudge, died in 2009, I called him the door mat because he always slept in all door entrances and I had to pay attention not to fall over him when I got up in the night. But at the age of 19 he decided to have enough to be in this world and preferred to go to the bridge.

But Lilli is still there now 16, unfortunately getting blind but otherwise in a good shape. The cat in the chimney is not Rosie but a figure ! I first thought it was a real cat.

Sophie is 17 and "my" cat when I am here. She recognizes me and moves immediately into the guestroom with me where she replaces Rosie who sleeps with me at home.

Lilli hanging on Anne's knees

and Pepsi at her feet. Pepsi too is 18 or 19 and besides that she lost all her teeth, she is in a very good shape. She looks like our Kim, maybe because she is an aunt of her. (or something like that, with cat families you never know). She also was a very shy cat just like Kim, but has now become very social with the age and I am even allowed to pet her.

and in the evening they are all gathered around Anne waiting to be brushed.

My little darlings are all well and enjoy their holidays without me with their slave, Mr. G. who spoils them !

Sorry if I am not able to visit you all, holidays are so stressing, lol !

Cats on Tuesday

1. Barbara  4. Emma and Buster  7. Milo  
2. Ginger  5. CatSynth  8. Carla  
3. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life  6. The Chair Speaks  9. TT&TOT Gang  

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Pookie checks if I haven't forgotten anything. I will take the Eurostar tonight and go to Eastbourne at the English coast as I do each year to stay with my friends for a week.
Of course I will post from there Anne also has cats !




Last week the weather was still nice and the cats had a lot to do in the garden and the neighborhood.

They lay in the sun or played on the terrace, except Kim of course who only watches. When it's so warm I hardly see her.

Arthur has discovered a nice place in the sun outside on the window sill. Here he sleeps or watches us.

Of course Rosie when she saw this place chased him away and squatted it for the rest of the sunny days. We felt observed ! We couldn't move in the living room without her watching us ! We had to be careful about what we were doing !

Then the rain returned and the cats too, inside ....

Arthur started his deep "rain" sleep and even when I pushed him with my new clogs I have gotten from a my Blog friend Mara, didn't wake him up.

and as always when it rains, Arthur has to be comforted, here with Mr. G. (of course) sharing a Pizza ! Arthur must have Italian ancestors !

Pookie doesn't leave the bed, she meditates and only gets up for food and other important purposes.

All in all it was a boring week, nothing special happened and Rosie even forgot to tidy up her mousies around the food bowls.






It is very hard to get all cats together on one picture !

Here I tried but it's only possible in "panorama" ! Kim is the black spot under the bushes. They had their meeting outside on an evening mulling over what crimes to comit this night.

Arthur was the first one to get into action and in the morning brought me this poor birdie so that I could admire his prey ! I told him that he is a very naughty boy and burried the bird in the bin.

During the weekend Arthur had a lot of work ! Actually he was the only one in action ! We had the visit of our 7 months old grandson Toby ! Arthur is the only one who doesn't bother about babies or toddlers or young kids, while all the others are hiding or watching from far !

My son cleaned the already clean terrace before putting down the blanket for Toby. At the same time he also "cleaned" Arthur who wanted to play with the broom. He loved it ! I think from now on I have to "broom" him every day ! Nonno made an unhuman effort to get on his knees and play with Toby !

Arthur thought that the blanket is a nice under cover place and the fact that a baby was laying on top didn't disturb him at all.

He also watched with interest when the nappy was changed ! As he is a very social cat he probably thought what a nice exciting weekend he had, and not the usual boring one with his old servants.

Rosie kept her distances and prefered to watch us from outside through the window !

Pookie stayed in my room and didn't come out until they were gone !

and Kim only came home at night when her stomac was empty. We hardly saw her but everybody noticed that her fur is getting more and more reddish.

Now everything is back to normal and Arthur has to look for further adventures in the neighborhood. I have been told that he visited our 92 year old neighbor and shared lunch with him. No wonder that he doesn't like cat food !






At the beginning of last week it was very hot. Arthur thought he could cool down on the kitchen table, watch over the apples and still have the hope that Mr. G. comes by and gives him some mortadella, for that it's never too hot.

Just wait and see

Since our living room had been repainted, it is not allowed to smoke in there anymore. No problem in summer because Mr. G. goes outside and of course the cats too, although they don't smoke (or maybe only behind my back)

Here you see the culprit's legs, Rosie taking herself for a cow and Arthur just meditating about future crimes to commit.

There was something going on in Dominique's garden ! They both watched intensively, I tried to look over the hedge to see if there was somebody, and suddenly a big pigeon flew over the hedge ! It's probably the one who took our garden table as its private toilet !

Because it was so hot, Rosie showed Arthur how to lay down with as little effort as possible. Arthur didn't even look, he prefered to scratch behind his ears.

The whole day Kim is laying in the garden, she only changes spots from time to time, from a warm spot to a cooler one. For the moment she only comes inside when she is hungry. Strange cat.

and then the weather changed and dropped by half. It rained and I had to put the garden cushions inside. Arthur found this a great idea, settled down and dreamed about better days. (or Mortadella !)

Please don't forget to see what the other kitties are doing !