When I came home last week, I found my little cat family in great shape, and they enjoyed the sunshine after a week of rain.
For once even Kim looked for company and had joined Rosie and Arthur

Pookie who had choosen to be an indoor cat, looked as if she had put on some weight ! Mr. G. probably gave her too much whipped cream.

But there were terrible news for me and especially Arthur and Kim

Our friend Yanouk had to be put asleep, he had very strong arthritis in the left hind leg and just couldn't make it anymore. He looked still so young in his face but the back was badly damaged. Bernese mountain dogs in average only live 8 years and he made it to 10 which was still too short. He should have shared our lives for much longer. Domi my friend had to take the terrible decision to have put him asleep while I was in England.

Here behind the hedge he used to lay and watch over "his" cats. Arthur and Yanouk used to lay side by side only separated by the fence when the hedge wasn't grown yet. Kim used his dog house while he slept outside and waited that she would leave his house. Each night Kim looked through Domi's window door at Yanouk, nobody knows if she wanted to say him "good night".
Usually on thursdays it was my day to walk Yanouk as Domi took care of her little grandson.
He was the most beautiful dog in the whole area and everybody looked at him. Often Arthur walked with us for a while and then returned home. He also had used Yanouk once as an ombrella Domi has told me. He stand under Yanouk not to get wet !
I think you easily can imagine how Domi feels ! He took so much space litteraly and in our hearts. I each time now when I go out on the terrace I miss him so much ! He was part of our lives too.

So sad about Yanouk. I am sending you soft purrs of sympathy.
Oh poor Yanouk, how sad. Purrs to your neighbours, and the cats.
What a sad homecoming. But still, the fuzzies look great. And Mr G feeds them whipped cream???!!! Wow. If Au hears about that, my life won't be worth living.
I am sorry about Yanouk. It is always a very hard decision to make. I've been through it 4 times and it still breaks my heart.
We are glad you came home to happy cats.Whipped cream! What a fancy treat that is.
Bonjour dear Gattina and sweet friends!
So sorry for this sad news about your friend Yanouk.You did a beautiful homage, the last collage is adorable!I'm purring and praying here for him.
So nice to see Kim outside with Rosie and Arthur.They are lucky to have the opportunity to enjoy so beautiful garden.I love those pink flowers!
Purrs and love
That is very sad. Poor Yanouk. No dogs live long enough but ten seems very young. It will take a long time for everyone to adjust, including your little family of cats. Who knows how they grieve?
I'm so sorry about Yanouk. We send our deep purrs and sympathy to you at this difficult time.
Puddy and Boom
Am sure the cats miss Yanouk too. It was a tough decision to make. The kitties are enjoying summer in the garden.
Our country is hot and humid that caused the cats' pores to be blocked which developed into skin problem like rashes. Their vet advised bathing them regularly and it cleared. They use special shampoo with conditioner and is so much more expensive than my shampoo.
Sad sad news. I am sending purrs to your friend at her sad loss.. Hus GJ xx
So sad about Yanouk. But it is a final gift of love to end suffering like this.
We're sorry for the loss of your friend, Yanouk. Burmese Mountain dogs are so beautiful. Yanouk sounds like a gentle, fun dog. Purrs and tail wags for you and for Yanouk's human.
Our animal friends are indeed the very best.
Oh we are so sad about Yanouk. Lots of purrs to his humans!
Yanouk was a cute dog and we like the name.
So sorry to hear about poor Yanouk, so sad! Our dog is 7 and it would be hard to imagine losing him so soon. Glad your cat family all survived without you so you could fully enjoy your vacation! :)
Gattina, I am so sorry about Yanouk. It's so sad and difficult to lose a loved one.
Your cat family look very happy and healthy! Enjoyed all the pictures!
A beautiful dog! I'm sure Yanouk will be missed by all your cats.
So glad you came home to your cats purring safe and beautiful...and soooo sad for Yanouk who has to go! Oh Gattina, we grieve with you and the cats! Sorry for not meeting Yanouk earlier and being friends with him. Yanouk will be safe and painless now in the RainbowBridge...
sadly purring,
Lui, Sumo and Sweepy
and all hounds in Heaven
I'm so sorry about your friend Yanouk, he sounds like a very special woofie.
We are ery sorry to hear that Yanouk had to go to the bridge. We are sending you and Domi our very bestest purrs.
Oh no, not that lovely dog. I'm so sorry to hear that, Gattina. I used to love reading about how he would look after the cats and it was amazing how they all got on so well.
I feel for Domi, she must be absolutely devastated and what awful news for you to come home to, also.
With sadness from the Bella, Mitzi and me.
Gattina, please tell Domi I'm very sorry for her lost. Yanouk is in Heaven now all healthy and hopping around in total bliss. So if Domi wants to be reunited with Yanouk someday all she has to do is accepts Jesus Christ as her personal savior, have a close relationship with God and she will be with him again someday. Why not take a chance on such hope?
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