


The good news today are that Rosie recovers nicely from her still unknown desease. You can imagine how happy I am, I had really thought it was the end.

I keep her in my room to be able to check if she uses the litter box and also that she eats correctly, poor thing has lost some weight and she is already such a little feather weight !

You see how well she feels to be spoiled

The only signs that she really had been very very sick are the shaved naked spots in her fur where she had got the perfusion and also taken blood for the tests.

She even has found one of her green mousies again, but she doesn't play very much yet.

Pookie is jalous about all the fuss we make around Rosie, that's what she thinks and therefore she didn't want to pose for me for a Valentine picture ! She sniffed at the heart, found it disgusting and went away. So I took heart and doll to Arthur and tried my luck there.

Arthur slept, and there was no way to wake him up, even when I put the cushion on his head, he just continued to snore (yes ! Sir Arthur snores !)

Rosie too wasn't in the mood and hid behind the heart. I have to wait for another day !

I really have unthankful models !


Linens and Royals said...

Maybe your cats would prefer a dozen red roses for Valentine's day.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

I am happy to hear that Rosie continues to improve. I just wish we knew what was bothering her. It seems that your cats just aren't too interested in Valentines.
I love the pictures. Yesterday's picture of Rosie laying on the bed amongst the stuffed animals and the muslin bunny was so cute.

Hugs from all of us
at Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines

The Chair Speaks said...

Wow, Rosie is taking advantage of the situation. Am glad that she's recovering. Arthur never fails to amuse me. My cats snore too. Hahaha.

meemsnyc said...

Rosie, glad you are feeling better. That is a cute heart for Valentines day!

Luna und Luzie said...

We are glad to read that Rosie is feeling much better now!
She fits perfect on your lovely pink bed.
Arthur reminds me to Olli when he sleeps there curled up. Olli also has those pale nose and ears like Arthur. Except he was ouside in the frost he has a real red nose but he is not very often outside the last weeks.

*Happy Tuesday*

We love Luna said...

She is adorable, glad to hear this news!
I loved your idea about Valentine's day, with the lovely cushion in heart's format, so cute!
The picture of Arthur is just amazing.Did you said he snore? LOL Also cute! ;)
And it's normal the other cats be a little bit jealousy, but all of then are happy now seeing Rosie playing around and fine!
A great news!
purrs and love to all

Everycat said...

Rosie looks to be doing really well in her own royal chamber with exclusive use of the bed and en suite facilities. This makes us very happy. What a pity that no cat liked the lovely big red heart cushion. Maybe it is a protest, maybe all the cats would like their own royal chamber? hehe!

Whicky Wuudler

Cindy said...

I am so happy Rosie is feeling better. I'll bet she likes all the special attention she gets.
No one like the valentines gift. Silly cats. You never know what they will like.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

this, and the previous post are so good to read. Yay Rosie.
Caesar and Princess sometimes had a few days (when they were little like Rosie) and then they come back again slowly. I have to guess it was a little winter virus.
It makes my heart so happy to see that she is better again and as always being showered with attention.
All of the cats really do love the attention, don't they. Theylove being treated like babies too.

headbonks and love

Unknown said...

I know you are very relieved and happy to have Rosie on the mend. I like the new header, you got some cute pics for that one! Happy Tuesday. :)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are so glad to hear Rosie is back home and feeling better!

Carla said...

Wonderful news about Rosie, don't you hate that they can't TELL you what is the matter? Unthankful models, but darlings just the same:)

Mary said...

So glad that Rosie is doing OK! Cute photos with all the pink and red :-)

Pip said...

We is very glad Rosie is better, what a releaf that must bees.

Maribeth said...

Maybe Rosie had a virus and is now getting back on her paws. I hope she continues to recover and feel better! Pats to Rosie and that rogue Arthur!

Irishcoda said...

So glad to hear that Rosie continues to improve! I don't know how some of our fellow cat bloggers manage to get their feline friends to pose. I've never had any luck with it either, just have to catch the gang in the right time, right moment. No cooperation on our end either! :P

catsynth said...

Glad to hear that Rosie is getting better :)
Arthur does seem quite imperturbable.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Rosie recovers so well.
I am sure she will be playing with her mousie soon.

Anonymous said...

So sorry Rosie had that scare of being sick. If you ever notice she is not eating again - slippery elm bark powder can me mixed in their food and helps settle digestion and relieves constipation. I use it often for my cats.

Catline Crew said...

We're glad to hear that Rosie is doing better.

Milo and Alfie said...

We're thrilled Rosie is improving. We forgive her for not posing as she needs her rest.

Johnny Nutcase said...

aw! all your cats are so sweet and cute - glad Rosie is doing well! I love all the photos in your banner picture!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are so glad to hear that Rosie is feeling better! It sounds so much like when Lola was sick. We can understand why she wasn't in the mood to pose just yet! We hope she keeps getting better and better!

Ellen Whyte said...

That's great to hear, Gattina. What an odd thing that was.

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Wishing you a prosperous, healthy, happy Year of the Tiger.

Margaret said...

Wish I could bring you my favorite toy to play with.
Cat Mandu

Elin said...

Get well soon Rosie!

Rooster Shamblin said...

http://roostershamblin.wordpress.com/ would you please spend a few minutes reading my blog. I have been raising more than 50 breeds of chickens 40 years.