It looks like if I would talk about the weather on each tuesday, but it was an exceptional day ! The sun shined and it even was warm ! So all cats went outside very happy and enjoyed the sunshine.
Pookie took a sunbath on the windowsill
and drank from the rainwater. Usually there should be flowers in there too, but with all the rain they just died.
Lisa choose the the wooden pieces which were nice and warm and I didn't see her first because her fur looks like camouflage fur !
Arthur and Rosie inspected the water too
and then he retired for a nap. He had played a lot with Rosie. I just had to take a picture of him because he looks like somebody who watches TV the only thing missing is the remote control.
Rosie did her first damage, she broke a little ceramic cat, but it was my fault. I had sneezed so loud that Pookie jumped in the air and Rosie on my printer and knocked a photo frame and the cat down.

Rosie has also discovered the front side of the garden and was playing
with all little insects she could find.
I'm the first and it is 1 o' clock and 13 mn. So we are tuesday, Gattina! Tomorrow I wake up very early and I go with Mélissa to see her future lyceum. You posted about the hot day and I posted about the hot night we had! Here it's not great as in your garden! It's very hot and I hope I will can sleep! Oh! Little Rosie found the technic to use the cat flap! She is a very intelligent kitty!
I am so glad you had nice weather and everyone got to go outside!
Rosie is such a smart little girl, using the cat flap! She will get braver by the day now that she can go in & out as she pleases.
I am so glad she & Arthur are such good companions! Arthur is so silly on the couch! LOL Rosie is such a cutie-pie!
D :)
I see Rosie is using the cat door. I used to have one where I used to live, but not here. I don't want strange critters walking into the house. What a pain letting them in and out and in and out and in and out......
I have a friend who has dogs and a dog door, and strange dogs have come in using it. It's nice that adorable Rosie has quickly picked up how to use your cat door, though, and I'm guessing you live where stray cats aren't too likely to take advantage of your hospitality. ;-)
The picture of Arthur on the couch is so funny, as is your description of him! He knows how to truly relax!
i wish we will get more rain it has been just really hot here hardly no rain. its so dry here.
kittys are cuties!!
have a wonderful week
It looks like you all had a fabulous time exploring outdoors! You are all very brave to go outside on your own like tha. I would be afraid of other animals or of cars! I'm glad the weather was nice and you were able to enjoy the sun. :)
Cat doors are such wonderful inventions, and I love to see your cats happy and free to go in and out like Anela does.
I'm glad you finally have nice weather for a change. We been really cool and comfortable for August, but I knew the other shoe was about to drop. The next few days are supposed to get really hot. ick...
I love Arthurs sofa posture. And my, my, Rosie is growing up. It's great she learned to use the cat flap.
Oah Gattina, I have to say that photo Arthur sitting on the sofa is so great~! I click it larger and smile for long long time.
Rosie is very good in the garden, I can see she discover more things out there and more interesting, it is so great time she could see so many things~!
Great sunshine on Pookie, Pookie is so so elegant in anyway~!
Those are great photos!
Yay, you have sunshine! I'm pleased for you and the cats and hope it lasts a while.
Of course, Rosie is clever...she's a cat!
I love the photo of Arthur...all he needs is a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of beer on one!
My first Cats On Tuesday is up! I've added the blogroll and Mr. Linky. I'll visit the others a.s.a.p. Please let me know if I forgot something.
Thanks for the invite Gattina!
It is so nice to see Rosie growing up and discovering these fun things in the world. They sure do love catching those first insects! I could barely see Lisa out there and you have to love ole Arthur with that belly stuck out. Too cute!
Mieew for the Sun after all the rain. I can see the 4 of them are happy and feel well in the Sunshine - in contrast to the flowers that drowned, like so many of ours as well this "Summer".
Arthur in his sitting position looks like a king.
btw. I hope to post COT from our Summerhouse this evening (this is written from my office - no pictures here). Last night it took me gloves, hats and a winters to upload 2 photos.
Thank you for your encouraging words! It is very hard for us to imagine her not ever being here again... But we lived in the desert for over 11 years. No one has ever heard of a cat disappearing in it and showing up again....We know of many cats who were swallowed by it...
Anastasia grew up in the desert and was very desert smart.. but she could get distracted easily too... and the birds of prey are dangerous enemies, even to the most careful cat.
No one would have been able to take her in - first, there aren't really any neighbors, except the few who knew about her. And second, even those only once in a while got fleeting glimpses of her - as an ex feral she would not ever allow a human close to her. Even we could not approach her when she was outside!
It is hard for us against all those odds to keep believing in a miracle. But part of us does of course, that is human nature....
It is so hard, she was so very special..
Thank you for your support, it is really very much appreciated!
The staff, and Karl.
We Tuxies are brilliant!
There is Arthur, looking like Buddha again! I love that pose of his!
I am glad you finally have had some sun. The cats all seem to be enjoying it immensely.
How clever of little Rosie to figure out the cat flap so quickly. You have a genius kitty Gattina!
I´m so late today , sorry!
Today I posted a similar photo of Frieda in the wooden pieces I don´t know the word in english, we say Rindenmulch in Germany.
Great, that Rosie find out how to use the cat door.We also want to insert a cat door the next time.
Zur Zeit haben wir die Tür hinten auf, damit Luna reinkommt, aber das geht natürlich nicht auf Dauer(Nachts ist sie drin), also muß eine Katzenklappe her. Luna ist glücklich über ihre neue Freiheit und wir sind erleichtert. Erst jetzt erkennen wir, was es für ein Stress war, ständig aufpassen zu müssen, dass die Katze nicht rausläuft.
Hurray - I'm up
You guys sure had a nice day in all that warm weather. I must prefer sun to rain. FAZ
That is a very good garden for cats!
All these different interessting and cozy places!
Arthur looked really nice in his tv position!!!
He he!!
Yes, were I live there are lots of mice, rats, birdies, butterflies, moths and other insects to hunt. It's really nice!
I am very glad that you finally got some sunshine and warm weather. The cats are all certainly enjoying it. So smart of little Rosie to figure out the cat flap so quickly! I love Arthur on the couch.
I had so much fun this morning cathing up on your blog with the adventures of your cats.
Rosie looks so much bigger each week! I love dthe pictures of her togeather with the one of her now and before when she first came to live with you.
Amazing how fast she has grown.
I am glad she keeps Arthur so young now and that is good she has added some youth to the Pookie and Lisa even too!
She sure is entertaining to watch and follow her progress.
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